The Beginning of Victory | Series: Victory in Christ (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | March 9, 2025

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Can you think of a moment in your life that changed your direction? Maybe it was meeting someone, experiencing a challenge, or encountering Jesus in a new way. How did that moment shape your journey?

  2. John 3:16 is one of the most well-known verses in the Bible. What does it mean to you personally? How does the idea that Jesus came not to condemn but to save change the way we approach faith?

  3. Jesus made the first move in offering salvation. What is one step you can take this week to move closer to Jesus? How can you share His life with the three people you’re praying for?

  4. Pray for one another.

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There | Series: The Journey to Freedom (Week 3)

Pastor Chad Reis | March 2, 2025

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Think back to when you were younger—what was a time when you thought achieving something (a license, a degree, a new job, marriage, etc.) would bring total freedom? How did your understanding of freedom change afterward?

  2. The message highlights that “true freedom isn’t about doing things my way—it’s about stepping into God’s way.” How does this contrast with the cultural view of freedom? What are some areas where you’ve experienced this tension in your life?

  3. One of the biggest barriers to true freedom in Christ is spiritual pride. Which of the three signs of spiritual pride (not seeking wisdom, not listening to wisdom, not including God) do you personally relate to the most? How can you take steps to overcome it?

  4. The message emphasized, “What got you here won’t get you there.” As you look ahead to this next season, what rhythms, habits, or mindsets that worked in the past might need to shift for you to step into what God is calling you to now?

  5. Pastor Chad challenged us to step into a 40-day fast, not to prove our strength but to embrace our weakness. What is something you might fast from in this season to create space for God? What practical steps can you take to seek wisdom and realign with His purpose?

Letting Go of Shame & Guilt | Series: The Journey to Freedom (Week 2)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | February 23, 2025


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever cast shame on someone? If so, what came of that situation?

  2. What does the grace of God mean?

  3. How will you connect to God this week in breaking off shame on yourself or someone else?

What Are You Carrying? | Series: The Journey to Freedom (Week 1)

Pastor Stefanie Anderson | February 16, 2025


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What burdens are you currently carrying that may hinder your race of faith, and how can you give them to Jesus?

  2. What past hurts or mindsets might you be holding onto that weigh you down, and what steps can you take to lay them aside?

  3. Saul hid among the baggage when called to be king. Are there areas in your life where fear or unworthiness is keeping you from stepping into God’s calling?

  4. How can surrounding yourself with faith-filled friends help you endure your race, and who in your life plays that role for you?

  5. How does fixing your eyes on Jesus change the way you approach challenges, setbacks, and daily responsibilities in your faith journey?

Our Mission in This Moment

Dr. Ed Stetzer | February 9, 2025


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.

A Call to Unity & Maturity | Series: Dream Again (Week 3)

Pastor Creighton Arita | February 2, 2025

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pray and reflect on how the Lord is ministering to your heart.

  2. How can you invest in unity between generations in our community?

Building Covenant Relationships | Series: Dream Again (Week 3)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | January 24, 2025


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common fears or insecurities that keep people from pursuing deep, meaningful relationships?

  2. Who in your life knows your struggles, encourages your dreams, and speaks hard truths? If no one, why do you think that is?

  3. What step could you take this week to pursue a covenant relationship? For example, joining a group, seeking a mentor, or initiating a deeper conversation with a friend.

  4. If you already have people in your life who could become covenant friends, what’s holding you back from asking for their accountability, encouragement, or guidance?

  5. How can this group support you in taking the next step in your covenant relationship journey?

  6. BONUS: If you already have a covenant relationship in your life, share with them the dream(s) God has placed in your heart this next week.

Discovering Your God-Given Dream | Series: Dream Again (Week 2)

Pastor Chad Reis | January 19, 2025


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever experienced a season of disappointment in your walk with God? How did it impact your perspective on the dream or assignment He has given you?

  2. The sermon outlines a progression from disappointment to bitterness, unforgiveness, and jealousy. Where do you see yourself most vulnerable in this cycle, and how can you guard against it?

  3. Out of the eight qualities listed in 2 Peter 1 (goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love), which one is the Holy Spirit highlighting for you to grow in? How can you begin to cultivate this in “increasing measure”?

  4. What does “dreaming again” look like for you? Are there dreams or callings you feel God is asking you to revive or step into this year? What practical steps can you take to align with His promises and power?

  5. Pray for one another.

Where Do Our Dreams Fit? | Series: Dream Again (Week 1)

Pastor Stephen Stinton | January 12, 2025


Discussion Questions:

  1. What's one of your favorite stories? Why do you find it so compelling?

  2. Have you ever thought about the "story" of your life? Have you thought about what "big story" you might have learned early on, that might have influenced how you think about your life? (For example, the story that if you work hard, you'll prosper; or the story that the purpose of life is to find true love

  3. Have you heard the Biblical story presented this way before? What difference does this story make for your life right now?

  4. Spend time praying, asking God to help you recognize and live according to His story. And also ask God to give you insight into what His purpose, mission, and assignment might be for you, right now.

Citizens of Heaven: Knowing Christ Above All

Pastor Tiffa Garza | January 3, 2025


Discussion Questions:

  1. When you hear the phrase “Give Jesus what He’s worthy of,” what does that personally mean to you?

  2. In what ways can you grow and live more fully as a citizen of heaven in 2025?

Tending the Soil of Your Heart

Pastor Brett Nakasone | December 29, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What kind of fruit did 2024 produce in your life—spiritually, physically, relationally, and emotionally?

  2. Can you identify areas where “weeds” (distractions, pride, busyness) have taken root in your heart? What impact have they had?

  3. What practical steps can you take to cultivate good soil in your life? How can your group support each other in this?

  4. What spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, worship, Scripture) have you drifted from? How can returning to these cultivate good soil for 2025?

    Bonus Group Challenge (Application):

    Choose one small, consistent habit you can commit to this week to tend the soil of your heart. Encourage accountability by inviting a friend to check in with you throughout the week.

The Miracle of Christmas

Pastor Chad Reis | December 22, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.

Testifying to the Light of Life | Series: The Mission of Christmas (Week 3)

Matt Tsujimura | December 15, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you recall a moment when Jesus became real to you? How did that moment change your life?

  2. Have there been times in your life when God felt distant or far off? What was your response?

  3. Jesus gave up everything to come to earth and live among us. How can we keep that the focus this season? What distracts you from spending time with Jesus?

  4. Who can you share the good news of Jesus with this Christmas?

Worship and the Call to Disciple | Series: The Mission of Christmas (Week 2)

Pastor Stephen Stinton | December 8, 2024


Discussion Questions:

1. Can you recall a time when you were "far away" from God?

2. Do you see yourself in this story? In what way? (Or in which character?)

3. How can you set aside time to "bow down and worship" Jesus this month? What does that look like for you?

4. Are there any people in your life who are "far away" from God, whom you could reach out to? Take some time to pray for that person, asking the Holy Spirit what might be the next step for loving them.

Proclaiming Peace on Earth | Series: The Mission of Christmas (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | December 1, 2024


Discussion Questions:

1. What’s your favorite part about the Christmas season—decorating, the food, the music, or something else? Why?

2. Why do you think God chose to announce Jesus’ birth to shepherds, some of the most average and overlooked people in society? What does this reveal about God’s heart?

3. Reflecting on the role of angels in the story, how does the reality of a spiritual realm change your perspective on the Christmas story?

4. The shepherds couldn’t contain their excitement about Jesus’ birth and shared the news with others. How can you be intentional about sharing the joy of Christ with those around you this season?

5. Who are the “seven” people you feel called to pray for this week? What steps can you take to share the joy, peace, and hope of Jesus with them? What fears or barriers might hold you back, and how can you surrender those to God?


Drawing Lines and Building Bridges

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro | November 24, 2024


Discussion Questions:

What stood out to you the most from Pastor Wayne’s message, and why?

Why do you think discerning when to draw lines and when to build bridges is essential for Christians today?

Pastor Wayne mentioned that the Word of God is the standard we must align ourselves with. How can you ensure your life is “tuned” to God’s Word?

Have you experienced a time when someone built a bridge for you instead of drawing a line? How did that impact your faith journey?

What are some examples of “current events” or cultural issues where it’s hard to know whether to draw a line or build a bridge? How can we use Scripture to navigate these situations?

What practical steps can you take to gain the wisdom needed to discern when to draw lines and when to build bridges?

Pastor Wayne said, “You may be the only Jesus someone will ever meet.” What does this mean to you, and how can it change the way you approach daily interactions?


The Opportunity to Choose Life | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 5)

Pastor Chad Reis | November 17, 2024


Discussion Questions:

Please follow the Sermon on the Mount (SoM9) Reading Plan in your SoM journal.

If you do not have the SoM journal, please visit www.sermononthemount.church/ to access the Daily Reading Plan and Small Group content.


Living Without Judgment | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 4)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | November 10, 2024


Discussion Questions:

Please follow the Sermon on the Mount (SoM9) Reading Plan in your SoM journal.

If you do not have the SoM journal, please visit www.sermononthemount.church/ to access the Daily Reading Plan and Small Group content.


Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 3)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | November 3, 2024


Discussion Questions:

Please follow the Sermon on the Mount (SoM9) Reading Plan in your SoM journal.

If you do not have the SoM journal, please visit www.sermononthemount.church/ to access the Daily Reading Plan and Small Group content.


God’s Vision for Humanity | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 2)

Pastor Stephen Stinton | October 27, 2024


Discussion Questions:

Please follow the Sermon on the Mount (SoM9) Reading Plan in your SoM journal.

If you do not have the SoM journal, please visit www.sermononthemount.church/ to access the Daily Reading Plan and Small Group content.


The Surprising Arrival of God’s Reign | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | October 20, 2024


Discussion Questions:

Please follow the Sermon on the Mount (SoM9) Reading Plan in your SoM journal.

If you do not have the SoM journal, please visit www.sermononthemount.church/ to access the Daily Reading Plan and Small Group content.


Sermon on the Mount (Intro) | Series: Sermon on the Mount (Week 0)

Jon Collins | October 13, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Renewing Your Mind, Restoring Your Soul | Series: Anchored (Bonus Week)

Pastor Beth Barone | October 6, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Calm the Chaos: Anchoring Your Mind in God's Word | Series: Anchored (Week 3)

Pastor Chad Reis | September 29, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you currently handle the ‘storms’ in your mind, such as anxiety or fear? 

  2. Have you ever noticed your thought patterns affecting your emotional state or relationships? If so, how?

  3. What steps can you take this week to actively anchor your mind in Christ and set your focus on heavenly things (Colossians 3:2)?

  4. Pray for one another. 


Building Your Life on the Rock | Series: Anchored (Week 2)

Pastor Matt Tsujimura | September 22, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways do you find yourself building on sand instead of the rock? How can you shift your foundation?

  2. Why is it important not just to hear Jesus' words but also to do them?

  3. What are some areas where you’ve realized your foundation isn’t as strong as it should be?

  4. How can you start preparing today for the storms that may come in the future, both spiritually and practically?

  5. Pray for one another.


Finding Strength in Life's Storms | Series: Anchored (Week 1)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | September 15, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the "storms" you are currently facing?

  2. What are some "false anchors" that you’ve relied on in the past (e.g., success, relationships, money)?

  3. What would it look like for you to fix your eyes on Jesus daily, especially during difficult times?

  4. When you reflect on God’s faithfulness in your life, how has He shown up in past storms (e.g., saving you, providing for you, healing you)?

  5. What are some practical ways you can "abide in Christ" throughout your day?

  6. How can we, as a group, support each other in staying anchored in Jesus during life’s storms?

  7. What’s one action step you’ll take this week to start preparing for future storms, rather than waiting for them to arrive?

  8. Pray for one another

Download the Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Worksheet


Where is Your Pulpit? | Series: Legacy of Faith (Week 3)

Pastor Chad Reis | September 1, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. In the sermon Chad mentioned the importance of knowing your "pulpit"—the place where God has placed you to influence others. Where do you see your current "pulpit," and how do you think God is calling you to use it for His Kingdom?

  2. Reflect on Ephesians 2:10, where Paul speaks about us being God's workmanship created for good works. How does this verse challenge or encourage you in your understanding of your purpose and the work God has prepared for you?

  3. In the sermon, Chad spoke about the need for God's grace in fulfilling our purpose. Can you identify a time when you tried to "muscle it out" on your own? How did God's grace change your approach or outcome?

  4. Pray for one another.


Living a Life of Authentic Worship | Series: Legacy of Faith (Week 2)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | August 25, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What worship song is encouraging you right now?

  2. Read Romans 12:1-2. What does “living sacrifice” mean?

  3. When has obeying God been hard for you?


Remembering God's Faithfulness | Series: Legacy of Faith (Week 1)

Pastor TJ Gorum | August 18, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the places that you have seen God show up in your life?  

  2. What did you learn about Him from that experience? Was there anything you think He is wanting to teach you through that time? 

  3. In what future situation will this story be helpful for you to remember? How can you make sure you don't forget this story when you really need it?

  4. Pray for one another.  


Trusting God's Process in Confusing Seasons | Series: Into the Wilderness (Week 3)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | August 11, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you share a time in your life when you went through a season that felt confusing and difficult, but ultimately became foundational for your growth? What lessons did you learn during that time?

  2. In the sermon, Joseph’s journey is used as an example of someone who went through many confusing and challenging seasons. What aspects of his story resonate with your own life experiences?

  3. The sermon emphasizes that there is a purpose in and for your wilderness season(s). How has this idea changed the way you view your own challenges and trials?

  4. How have your faith and relationship with God been refined or strengthened through your “wilderness” experiences? Can you identify specific ways you have grown to be more like Jesus as a result?

  5. What practical steps can you take to embrace your current season of life, no matter how confusing it may be? How can you rely on God’s grace and Spirit to navigate this season?


Finding Strength in the Wilderness | Series: Into the Wilderness (Week 2)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | August 4, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is or was a wilderness season for you?

  2. How do you view God when you’re suffering?

  3. Consider one of God’s names, "El Roi," meaning "the God who sees me." Do you believe that God sees you in your wilderness? Why or why not?

  4. What is a Bible verse that encourages you in wilderness seasons? If you don’t have one, look up John 16:33!


The Pathway to the Promise | Series: Into the Wilderness (Week 1)

Pastor Stefanie Anderson | July 28, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. Share a wilderness season in your life.

  2. What did God teach you through that season?

  3. Read Psalm 121; share something that encourages you about God.

  4. Pray for one another.


Living With Open Hands | Series: The Heart of Stewardship (Week 4)

Pastor Chad Reis | July 21, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. Share when someone else's financial generosity impacted your life.

  2. How do feelings of entitlement, greed, or comparison affect your relationship with money?

  3. What are the biggest challenges you face in being a good steward of your finances? How do you address these challenges?

  4. Share one practical step you can take this week to "practice generosity" and move from a scarcity mindset to a Kingdom of God, stewardship mindset especially when facing financial pressure.

  5. Pray for one another.


Facing Financial Chaos | Series: The Heart of Stewardship (Week 3)

Pastor Stephen Stinton | July 14, 2024


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever "vibed" or deeply resonated with a song before? What about that song connected with your life circumstances?

  2. How would you assess your emotional health regarding your finances or life circumstances right now? Are you anxious? Overwhelmed? At peace? Etc.

  3. What's the best way for you, personally, to connect with and abide in God's presence? How has it been going recently?

  4. Read Romans 8:28-32. As Pastor Stephen mentioned, God can use all our circumstances, good and bad, to make us more like Jesus for our ultimate future with God. Does that provide hope for you? Why or why not?

  5. Pray for each other. 


Money, Greed & Relationships | Series: The Heart of Stewardship (Week 2)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | July 7, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How do you determine what has your heart? What do your thoughts, worries, and actions reveal about your priorities

  2. Can you identify moments in your life where comparison led to discontentment or entitlement? How did you handle those feelings?

  3. Have you ever experienced a disagreement or conflict over money within your family or friends? How did it affect your relationships?

  4. What are some current financial stresses in your life? How can you apply the sermon’s teachings to these situations?

  5. What steps can you take this week to reflect on your current financial situation and make decisions for the sake of loving others?

  6. Pray for one another.


God’s Vision for Our Financial Resources | Series: The Heart of Stewardship (Week 4)

Pastor Chad Reis | June 30, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some ways financial pressures have impacted your ability to pursue God's dreams for your life?

  2. In what ways can shifting your mindset from "owner" to "steward" change how you manage your finances?

  3. What practical steps can you take this week to align your financial habits with Jesus’ teachings on stewardship?

  4. What changes can you make to your spending habits to better steward the resources God has entrusted to you?

Encountering God in Every Season

Matt Tsujimura | June 23, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Throughout the Bible, God encounters people in many different ways.  Share a time when you experienced the presence of God in your life.

  2. How do you navigate the seasons in your life when it feels like you’re not as close to God as before?

  3. What are some ways you can make room to hear the whisper of God in your life?

  4. Pray for one another


Wisdom Beyond Trends: Embracing God's Truth in a Post-Truth World

Pastor Chad Reis | June 16, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How has the wisdom from your father or parental figure influenced your life decisions? Share an example.

  2. What are some common pieces of advice or "wisdom" you hear from social media today? How do they compare to the traditional wisdom you grew up with?

  3. The message discusses the tension between following worldly wisdom and trusting in God's wisdom. How do you navigate this tension in your daily life?

  4. The message outlines steps to "Encounter God" through asking, receiving revelation, and choosing Jesus' way. Which of these steps do you find most challenging, and why? How can the group support each other in this journey?

  5. Pray for one another.


The Gift of Tears

Pastor Chad Reis | June 9, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Describe a time when you experienced praying with tears.

  2. Why do you often resist or avoid tears in prayer?

  3. What do you think is the significance of the psalmist's statement that God collects our tears in a bottle and records them (Psalm 56:8)?

  4. How can we practically apply the exhortation to "try tears" in our prayer lives?

  5. Pray for one another


Presence is Greater Than Performance

Richard Gordon | June 2, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


This is How We Fight Our Battles

Pastor Stefanie Anderson | May 26, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Read Ephesians 6:10-13. What are some situations you have faced this week in which you needed spiritual armor to take a stand against the devil’s schemes?

  2. If someone were allowed access to your thoughts for one day, would they be able to tell that you were in a spiritual battle?

  3. Take a moment and interrogate your thoughts, whose voice seems the loudest in this season, your voice, God’s voice, or the voice of the enemy? How can you tell the difference?

  4. Get into groups of 2 or 3. Read Acts 3:19 together.

    1. Confess your sins

    2. Renounce any lies you are believing. Example: “I renounce the lie that I am unloved and unwanted”

    3. Repent and Return

    4. Pray to be filled again


Pentecost: God’s Power for Mission

Pastor Stephen Stinton | May 19, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What comes to mind when you hear, "Holy Spirit"?

  2. The Holy Spirit lives in us to be God's presence and provide us with God's power. When you think about your relationship with Jesus, do you feel a balance between God's presence and God's power? Do you feel the need for more of either one in your life?

  3. In John 16:7, Jesus tells his disciples that it is to their advantage that he "leaves," because then the Holy Spirit can be sent to live in them. How does that resonate with you? Do you find that to be true in your own life?

  4. What area of your life do you find challenging to live as a "witness" to Jesus? In what ways would you like help from the Holy Spirit? Pause and pray for this.


Honor Matters: The Secret To Strengthening Your Relationships | Series: Family Matters (Week 6)

Pastor TJ Gorum | May 12, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share a time when someone affirmed you or honored you that meant a lot to you.

  2. Reflect on the relationship in your life where tension seems to naturally arise. How could you extend honor within that dynamic?

  3. Is there anyone in your life that you may need to change how you treat them? What would it look like to take a small step this week in that direction?

  4. Who is someone else that God may be asking you to honor and celebrate out loud this week vs. just keeping it to yourself? What is a small way you can honor them this week?


You Matter | Series: Family Matters (Week 5)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | May 5, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Is life giving you an opportunity to persevere? How?

  2. On a scale of 1-10, how’s your intimacy with Jesus? Why?

  3. How will you put Jesus first today?


Discipleship Part 2: Everyone Belongs at the Table | Series: Family Matters (Week 4)

Pastor Chad Reis | April 28, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How has the concept of a "kids' table" impacted your sense of belonging in different spaces?

  2. What are some fears or doubts that might hold you back from fully participating in the church family?

  3. How can we create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of age or experience?

  4. Think about a time when a younger person surprised you with their wisdom or insight. How can we encourage everyone to share their gifts and perspectives?

  5. Consider your "table" at home and at church. Who might you intentionally invite to share a meal or conversation?

  6. How can we, as a church family, reach out to those who feel isolated or alone?

  7. If you are not currently in a smaller community, what's one step you can take to be a part of one?


Discipleship Part 1: Generational Blessings | Series: Family Matters (Week 3)

Pastor Chad Reis | April 21, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share about the influences and spiritual legacies that have shaped your life thus far. Who are the individuals (family members, mentors, etc.) whose faithful example has positively impacted you?

  2. Share about a negative pattern, behavior, or mindset that you may have inherited from previous generations. How can you break these cycles through the transformative power of Christ?

  3. "What we leave in the next generation is more important than what we leave for them." Discuss the significance of this statement. What are some practical ways we can invest in the spiritual formation of the next generation, rather than solely focusing on material inheritance?

  4. Pray for one another.


Marriage Matters: Singleness, Dating & Sexuality | Series: Family Matters (Week 1)

Pastor Dean Kaneshiro | April 14, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What stood out to you the most from the sermon? Why do you think it resonated with you?

  2. How have cultural influences shaped your views on marriage and singleness? Have these views aligned with biblical teachings?

  3. Do you agree that there is often a misconception in churches that elevates marriage over singleness? Why or why not?

  4. How can we, as a community, better support and empower singles in our church?

  5. Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 7 the importance of both marriage and singleness. How can we ensure that both are valued equally in our church?

  6. Have you ever struggled with placing importance on marriage or relationships above your relationship with God? How did you overcome this?

  7. How can we encourage a healthy balance between pursuing relationships and fully surrendering to God's plan for our lives?


Family Matters: Family on Mission with Community | Series: Family Matters (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | April 7, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How did your upbringing and background shape your perception of what "family" means? How does the working definition Chad gave of "the people I belong to and belong with" resize or challenge that perception?

  2. What is one step you can take this week to prioritize spiritual famly and belonging with other believers? Who could you invite into your spiritual family?

  3. The sermon highlighted the increasing isolation and lack of true community in society today. What negative fruits or impacts of this have you witnessed or experienced personally?

  4. Read Hebrews 10:24-25 aloud. What specific instructions does this passage give regarding our interactions and involvement with other believers? How can we apply this practically?

  5. Do you resonate more with the mindset of wanting clear boundaries/your own space or with a longing for deeper community? What are the pros and cons you've experienced with each mindset?


Easter With the ʻOhana

Pastor Chad Reis & Dean Kaneshiro | March 31, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


What to Do When God Doesn't Meet Your Expectations | Series: Ashes (Week 6)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | March 24, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Do you ever find yourself disappointed by God? Why or why not?

  2. What are your hopes for this Easter season?

  3. How can we approach Holy Week with open hearts and a willingness to be surprised by God?

  4. As a group, pray for your family and friends you are inviting to Easter.


Counting the Cost: What Matters Most to You? | Series: Ashes (Week 5)

Pastor Chad Reis | March 17, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What spoke to you the most in this message?

  2. What has it cost you to follow Jesus?

  3. How do you feel knowing the cost that was paid for you and your relationship with God?

  4. In what ways can you "Do what you can" in this season of Lent?

  5. Pray for one another.


Welcome Home | Series: Ashes (Week 4)

Pastor Aaron Larson | March 10, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. In what ways does the parable of the Prodigal Son illustrate the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation? How does this reflect Jesus' teachings on love and mercy?

  3. How have you related to the prodigal son, the older brother, or the father at different points in your life?

  4. Pray for one another.


Persecution | Series: Ashes (Week 3)

Pastor Dawn Ching | March 3, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Think about the persecution that Jesus and his disciples faced. What speaks to you about their experiences and responses? Share.

  2. Have you ever experienced persecution for your faith in your own life? Share what happened and how you responded.

  3. Has there been any situation where you chose to blend in with the crowd rather than take a stand for your faith? What happened and what did you learn from this experience?


Preparation for Celebration | Series: Ashes (Week 2)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | February 25, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Do you identify with feeling hurried in your daily life? What are some signs of hurry you notice in yourself?

  2. How does the concept of “slowing down” to connect with God feel for you? Do you find it appealing or challenging?

  3. What are some practical ways you can incorporate solitude into your daily routine, even in small doses

  4. Pastor Brett emphasized action over information. Discuss a spiritual practice you’ve been wanting to implement but haven’t yet. How can the group support you in starting or sticking with it?

  5. Pray for one another


Does Anyone See Me? | Series: Ashes (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | February 18, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. Why do you think Jesus emphasizes secrecy in giving to the needy?

  3. In what ways does the cultural emphasis on recognition, praise, and being "seen" sometimes influence your personal motivations for giving or serving? How much do you struggle with that tension?

  4. What practical steps can we take to ensure that our giving and serving are motivated by genuine love and compassion rather than a desire for recognition or approval?

  5. Pray for one another. 


Set a Seal Upon My Heart

Pastor Stefanie Anderson | February 11, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the Shulammite’s idea about awakening love?

  2. Have you ever encountered the love of God? What was your experience?

  3. Have you ever settled for worldly love out of loneliness or boredom?

  4. How did that worldly love shape your ideas about yourself, and your future?

  5. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 together. What stood out to you? What areas can you invite God into so your expression of love looks more like His?


Abiding in Christ | Series: Dream Again

Pastor Chad Reis | February 4, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Don’t Skate on Your Good Looks | Series: Dream Again

Pastor Brett Nakasone | January 28, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share a time when you saw someone's character shine through in a difficult situation.

  2. What did you find most challenging or thought-provoking about the sermon?

  3. Why is character so important when it comes to pursuing God's dreams for our lives?

  4. Can you think of any examples from your own life or the lives of others where someone's lack of character led them down a negative path?

  5. Take the time to complete the Low Planks Worksheet. What are some of the "low planks" that you might have in your life that could hinder your character development?

  6. How can you begin to build an intentional community around you that will help you grow in character?

Download Low Planks Worksheet

Download the Constellation Model Worksheet


Suffering with Jesus | Series: Dream Again

Pastor Chad Reis | January 21, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. How has suffering with Jesus produced perseverance in your walk with Jesus?

  3. Suffering is a certainty.  In this season, how are you being refined through suffering?

  4. What other questions might you have when it comes to suffering?

  5. Pray for one another to persevere and press into Jesus through suffering. 


God’s Faith in You | Series: Dream Again

Dr. Ed Silvoso | January 14, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Rise & Shine with an Undivided Heart | Series: Dream Again

Pastor Creighton Arita | January 7, 2024


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


What Will Have Your Attention in 2024?

Pastor Chad Reis | December 31, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

1. What stood out to you the most in the message? 

2. What was one of the top highlights for you in 2023? 

3. What are some of the things that distract you the most? 

4. What is one way that you can give your attention to Jesus in 2024? 

5. Pray for one another to eliminate distractions and focus on Jesus in 2024. 


Hope Again | Series: The Line

Pastor Chad Reis | December 24, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Unwrapping the Love Story at the Heart of Christmas | Series: The Line

Matt Tsujimura | December 17, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How do you receive the love of God?

  2. Share a time when you experienced God’s love in your life.

  3. Who is one person you can share God’s love with this Christmas season?

  4. What are some ways that you can share God’s love with them?

  5. Pray for the people on your prayer card.


Why Christmas Marks the Beginning of True Joy | Series: The Line

Pastor Tiffa Garza | December 10, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Do you feel like you’ve been lacking joy in your life? Why or why not?

  2. Share where you see God’s grace in your life in this season.

  3. Who will you invite to Christmas service at McKinley on Dec. 24?

  4. Pray for the people on your prayer card.


How to Experience the Peace of God in the Midst of Christmas Chaos | Series: The Line

Pastor Brett Nakasone | December 3, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Why do you think people often lack peace during the Christmas season?

  2. What are some specific stressors that contribute to your lack of peace?

  3. How can you spend time in His presence this week

  4. What are some practical ways you can bring shalom to others during the Christmas season?

  5. What are some specific commitments you can make to pursue peace during the Christmas season and beyond?

  6. Pray for the people on your prayer card.


Hope for Christmas | Series: The Line

Pastor Chad Reis | November 26, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. The message highlights that for many, Christmas can be a season of stress, busyness, and even grief. Can you share any personal experiences or challenges you've faced during the holiday season?

  2. How can you shift your focus from the stress and busyness of the holiday season to truly celebrating the message and person of Jesus? What practical steps can be taken to maintain a sense of hope, peace, joy, and love during this time?

  3. What does the term "Messiah" mean to you, and how is it significant in the context of the Christmas season?

  4. The message emphasizes that when we say "Jesus Christ," we are making a declaration about Jesus being the anointed one, the savior. How does this perspective impact your understanding of Jesus and his role in your life?


Signs & Wonders Point to the Messiah | Series: Fear of the Lord

Richard Gordon | November 19, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Walking in Obedience | Series: Fear of the Lord

Pastor Brett Nakasone | November 12, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some of the things that get in the way of our obedience to God?

  2. Can you share a time when obedience cost you something, but it was worth it in the end?

  3. How can you cultivate intimacy with God and trust Him in the small things?

  4. What is one thing that God is asking you to do right now?

  5. How can you support each other in your obedience to God?


What is Your Greatest Fear? | Series: Fear of the Lord

Pastor Chad Reis | November 5, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message

  2. How can believers strike a balance between fearing God and drawing near to Him in love and trust?

  3. What makes living in the fear of the Lord difficult?

  4. Pray for one another. Pray for repentance and reverence for the Lord in our lives. 


How to Grow and Mature in Your Faith in Jesus | Series: Colossians

Pastor Chad Reis | October 29, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share your biggest takeaway from this message.

  2. What stage from the 'stages in the journey of faith' that Chad shared are you currently in? Why do you identify with that one?

  3. What makes maturing in Christ difficult for you?

  4. Pray for one another.


It’s a Kākou Thing! | Series: Colossians

Pastor Tiffa Garza | October 22, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Are you plugged into a church community? Why or why not?

  2. Who are you praying for and who’s praying for you?


How to Make Your Family Life a Place of Peace and Love (Even When It's Hard) | Series: Colossians

Matt Tsujimura | October 15, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What expectations do you have about what a family should look like?

  2. How does your expectation/understanding of family compare to what Paul writes in Colossians 3:18-4:1?

  3. What, if anything, makes it most difficult for you to live out these verses?

  4. How can you partner with God to grow deeper in love with your family through Jesus?


New Life in Christ: Transform Your Heart, Home, and Community | Series: Colossians

Pastor Aaron Larson | October 8, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What does it look like to put on the New Man?

  2. Do I recognize the difference this makes in my view of self and in my relationship?

  3. In what ways am I still putting on the old man?

  4. Do I recognize the situations that prompt me to do this?

  5. How do I daily practically set my mind on the things above?

  6. Create a daily plan to seek things above by setting time aside with Jesus.


Jesus > Legalism | Series: Colossians

Pastor Chad Reis | October 1, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. How do the teachings in Colossians 2:11-23 relate to issues and challenges we face in our present-day culture?

  3. Share how you navigate the tension of avoiding self-imposed religious rules and embracing a life that truly reflects our union with Christ?

  4. Pray for one another. 


How to Root Your Faith and Experience Christ | Series: Colossians

Pastor Chad Reis | September 24, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. In verses 6-7 Paul encourages believers to be “rooted and built up in Christ and established in the faith.” What are some ways we can practically deepen our spiritual roots and grow in our faith?

  3. What are the daily tensions that you face in understanding that you are complete in Christ?

  4. Pray for one another.


Guest Speaker | Richard Gordon


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Why is Jesus Supreme? | Series: Colossians

Matt Tsujimura | September 10, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How does this passage challenge and encourage you in your faith?

  2. What/Who do you go to in moments of greatest tension?

  3. How can we live our lives in a way that reflects the supremacy of Jesus Christ?


God’s Calling You Up | Series: Colossians

Pastor Brett Nakasone | September 3, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some of the cultural pressures that the Colossians were facing? What are some of the ways that you are tempted to look for fulfillment outside of Jesus?

  2. How can you grow in your “epignosis” of Jesus Christ?

  3. Paul called the Colossians to focus upward. How can you fix your focus on Jesus this week?

  4. What are some specific ways that you can live a life that is worthy of Jesus?

  5. Declare this prayer 5xs this week in the morning and at night:

    Jesus, fill me with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. I want to walk in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You. I want to bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of You. Strengthen me with all power, according to Your glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. I receive the inheritance you have given me. Thank you for delivering me from the domain of darkness and transferring me to Your kingdom. I have been redeemed and forgiven. Thank you for your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Click here to download the message slides


How to Love Mondays as Much as Sundays

Ed Silvoso | August 27, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is one thing that God highlighted to you from the message? 

  2. How can you apply this message specifically to your personal life? 

  3. Pray for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would take this message from a concept and information and turn it into life transformation.


Reaping & Sowing | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 6)

Pastor Chad Reis | August 20, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share one thing that God has highlighted for you through this 6-week stewardship series.

  2. Share one thing that you are currently suffering through or grieving.

  3. What is your natural response to suffering and sorrow?

  4. Which of the four biblical ways for stewarding suffering or sorrow most speak to you in this season

  5. Pray for each other, and then pray for the people of Maui in this season as well.


Reaping & Sowing | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 5)

Pastor Aaron Larson | August 13, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What has been sown into your life? What fruit has been produced?

  2. What are we sowing into? In our thought life, with our words and our actions. Our relationships. Who are we sowing into? What fruit do you see?

  3. What changes do we need to make? What is Jesus calling us to sow into?


Stewarding a God-Sized Vision | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 4)

Pastor Creighton Arita | August 6, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Pastor Creighton talks about four key areas: being a Kingdom Catalyst, becoming new wineskins, being nameless and faceless, and pursuing freedom. Which of these one resonates with you the most, and why?

  2. How does the concept of "abiding" play a crucial role in the transformation of the church and people? How can abiding in Jesus impact your own life and relationship with Him?

  3. Pastor Creighton mentions the vision of C4 Church becoming a hub for kingdom entrepreneurs and a catalyst for unity. What do you think of this vision?

  4. How can you personally contribute to the vision of the church and its purpose of pursuing freedom and making Jesus famous? What specific steps can you take in your daily life to live out the three As - Abide, Activate, and Advance?

  5. Isaiah 60:1-2 was shared at the end of the sermon. What does this passage mean to you, and how does it inspire you to "arise and shine" for God's glory in the world today?


Cultivating a Generous Heart: Stewarding Finances in God's Kingdom | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 3)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | July 30, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What were some of your initial thoughts or feelings when the topic of stewarding finances was introduced in the sermon? Why do you think money is often considered an awkward or touchy subject in churches?

  2. Pastor Brett shared about the concept of a “blessed life,” one that is so full of God’s delight and pleasure that others become envious. What does a blessed life mean to you, and how do you think it relates to stewarding finances?

  3. Pastor Brett mentioned that God is not after our wallets, but He desires our hearts. How can you develop a heart of generosity and trust in God’s provision in your financial decisions?

  4. Reflecting on the story of Keane’s testimony, how does his journey from stinginess to trust to generosity inspire you in your own approach to giving and financial stewardship?

  5. In what ways have you experienced God’s faithfulness and provision in your finances? How has this impacted your understanding of stewardship and trust in God?

  6. In Acts 4:32-35, the early church displayed radical generosity and cared for one another’s needs. How can you apply the principles of generosity and caring for others in your life today?


Prioritizing Relationships: How to Take Care of People God Placed in Your Life | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 2)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | July 23, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Why is stewarding relationships important to God?

  2. Do you need to re-prioritize your relationships? If so, how?

  3. What are the struggles you face when it comes to your closest relationships?


Shifting our Lifestyle | Series: Cultivating a Kingdom Life (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | July 16, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Reflect on your own life and possessions. Are there any areas where you struggle to prioritize heavenly treasures over earthly possessions?

  2. How does the pursuit of earthly wealth or material possessions impact our relationship with God? How does it affect our spiritual growth?

  3. How does the teaching in Matthew 6:19-24 challenge our cultural norms and values regarding wealth and possessions? How can we encourage one another to live counter-culturally when it comes to stewardship?

  4. Pray for one another.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you answer the question "What has my heart?" and that He would give you the strength to seek His kingdom over whatever that might be.


What to Do When You Disagree | Series: Doctrine (Week 4)

Pastor Chad Reis | July 9, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is your natural response when it comes to navigating disagreement or offense?

  2. In what ways do you think the principles outlined in this passage can be applied to conflicts within families, workplaces, or other interpersonal relationships?

  3. How can the principles shared in this passage help us create a culture of forgiveness, grace, and restoration within our church and personal relationships?

  4. Prayer for one another. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give each one courage, gentleness, and wisdom to navigate disagreement and offense in the healthy way that Jesus outlined in Matthew 18.


How To Tell A Mountain From A Mole Hill | Series: Doctrine (Week 3)

Pastor TJ Gorum | July 2, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share about a time that YOU made a mountain out of a molehill. 

  2. There is a lot of division in churches over non-essential things, how do you think we can overcome those differences to move as one? Were there any times in your life when you were struggling with a non-essential thing? If so, how did you deal with that?

  3. Pastor TJ shared about 3 mountains we all need to be ready to die on when it comes to faith (Who Jesus is, how we are saved, and the word of God), which one of these do you feel like is under the most attack in our world today? Why?

  4. Pastor TJ said that what the devil wants us to do today is to make molehills out of mountains and mountains over molehills. Is there anywhere that you see this happening in you or the world around you?


Good Weird vs. Bad Weird: Holy Spirit Manifestations | Series: Doctrine (Week 2)

Dean Kaneshiro | June 25, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What has been your number one question or confusion about the manifestations of the Holy Spirit?

  2. What was new or stood out to you from Dean’s message?

  3. Has your perspective or attitude changed at all after the message and any further study on the topic?


The Father God Chose for Jesus | Father’s Day Message

Pastor Dawn Ching | June 18, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Share a memory of your father, stepfather or father figure in your life.

  2. What life lesson did he teach you and what do you appreciate most about him?

  3. Father’s Day is an appropriate time to express your appreciation to your father or stepfather. It is a gift they will treasure. This week take the time to visit, call or write a note of appreciation to him.

  4. Pray for healing and restoration for those who may have had difficult circumstances with their father or stepfather.


Do Not Be Deceived | Series: Doctrine (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | June 11, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Describe a time when you were deceived. It can be as light or as heavy as you feel comfortable sharing. 

  2. What sticks out to you most in Matthew 7:15-24?

  3. What are your personal qualities of a “false teacher”

  4. Was there ever a time when you let fear make you hesitate from stepping into what God was doing?



Pastor Tiffa Garza | June 4, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What does it mean to have a pure heart?

  2. Where have you struggled with impurity?

  3. What does “purified by fire” mean for your life? What might that look like?


The Overflowing Heart: Giving When You Have Nothing Left to Give

Pastor Brett Nakasone | May 28, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever experienced a time when you felt depleted and struggled with the idea of giving? If so, share.

  2. Pastor Brett mentioned the concept of a poverty mindset. Do you see any aspects of a poverty mindset in your own life or in the way you approach giving? How do you think understanding and embracing generosity can impact our perspective of giving?

  3. The sermon highlighted the benefits of generosity and selflessness, both from a biblical perspective and supported by research. In what ways have you personally experienced or witnessed the positive effects of generosity and selflessness? How does this motivate you to continue giving even when it may seem illogical or impractical?

  4. What practical steps can you take to cultivate a heart that is willing to give sacrificially?

Free Video Resource on Generosity


New Eyes: Keys to Healthy Spiritual Vision | Series: All Things New (Week 7)

Matt Tsujimura | May 21, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Reflect on a time when your spiritual vision was distorted or hindered. How did it impact your discernment and decision-making?

  2. What are some things you struggle to see clearly that can cloud your spiritual vision and lead us astray? How can we guard ourselves against them?

  3. Discuss the role of community and accountability in nurturing a healthy spiritual vision. Who is that community for you? How can you support and encourage one another in this journey?


The Unseen Benefits of Connecting with Holy Spirit | Series: All Things New (Week 6)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | May 14, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. In your opinion, what traits make for a best friend

  2. What might friendship with Holy Spirit look like in someone’s life?

  3. What are specific areas in your life that your friend, Holy Spirit may serve you?


A New Purpose: Launch into God’s Promises | Series: All Things New (Week 5)

Pastor Aaron Larson | May 7, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. If you do know Jesus, are you responding or reacting? Paul reacted because He didn't know Jesus. and Annanias Responded in Obedience facing his fears.

  2. Are you spending time with God like Annanias, getting to know His voice, and experiencing His love? So that you can step into our call and out in faith even when confronted by fear.


A New Mind | Series: All Things New (Week 4)

Pastor Chad Reis | April 30, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Where do most of your thoughts come from throughout your day: the devil, your flesh, or God? Name some of your common ones.

  2. How can you partner with God this week to renew your mind in Christ?

  3. What are one or two truths that you can memorize this week to help you align your thoughts with God's truth?

  4. Pray with each other for an alignment of each thought to God's truth.


A New Identity: No Longer Orphans | Series: All Things New (Week 3)

Pastor Brett Nakasone | April 23, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Can you relate to the concept of having an orphan spirit? In what ways have you felt like you didn’t belong or were rejected in your life?

  2. What lies have you believed about yourself or God that have contributed to your orphan mindset?

  3. How has your understanding of God as a Father changed over time? What has helped you to see Him as a loving and accepting Father?

  4. What is one thing you can do this week to remind yourself of your identity as a child of God and to overcome the lies of the orphan spirit?

  5. Pray for one another

Download the Orphan Spirit Chart.


Start With the Heart | Series: All Things New (Week 2)

Pastor Chad Reis | April 16, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. How's your heart? Take 3-5 minutes in silence to really connect with God and yourself to ask this question.  You're encouraged to share, feel free to pass.

  2. How can you embrace the messiness of God giving you a new heart this week?

  3. Pray with each other


Easter Sunday | Series: All Things New (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis & Richard Gordon | April 9, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some of your favorite “nostalgic” items/memories?

  2. In what ways do you feel stuck or stagnant in your life, and how can the idea of Jesus making “All Things New” help you break out of these patterns and embrace new opportunities for growth and transformation?

  3. How can you practically begin to surrender to God’s plan and purpose for your life?


Palm Sunday

Pastor Tiffa Garza | April 2, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What comes to mind when you hear “Kingship”?

  2. Do you believe that you have a seat at the King’s table?

  3. What does it mean to submit to King Jesus?

  4. Have you struggled with seeing and knowing Jesus as your King? If so, how?


Dwelling With God

Jon Collins | March 26, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What one way you have seen the beauty of God in your family?

  2. What is one thing you think God wants to “wrestle” with you about?

Visit The Bible Project for more resources!


The Heart of Worship

Rachel Morley | March 19, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Are there habits in your life that may even seem good, but are keeping you distracted from the Lord?

  2. What is a practical step can you take this week that will help you increasingly prioritize the presence of God in your daily life?


Unrecognized Patterns | Series: Trapped (Week 6)

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | March 12, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. From the image of the dress at the beginning of the message, what color did you see?

  2. What are some of the patterns you see in your everyday life?

  3. Where do you currently see yourself in the Pattern shared in the message?
    Desperation - Hunger - Outpouring - Boldness - Unity

  4. What is one thing you can do to contend for UNITY? 

Click here to sow into unity.


The Trap of Comparison | Series: Trapped (Week 5)

Pastor Chad Reis | March 5, 2023


Discussion Questions: 

  1. What were some highlights that stuck out to you in this weekend’s message?  

  2. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not very much and 10 being very very much, how much would you say you get trapped by comparison? What do you find yourself comparing the most?  

  3. Are you more focused on “checking your eyes”, “knowing your identity”, or “cultivating honor” in this season? Explain. 


Give it Away | Series: Trapped (Week 4)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | February 26, 2023

  1.  Where has selfishness crept into your life?

  2. How might you “give it away” what God has given you?

  3. Do you struggle with a “poverty mindset”? (A poverty mindset is living in fear that you won’t have enough and so you hold tightly on to what you have.) If so, how?


Breaking a Religious Spirit | Series: Trapped (Week 3)

Pastor Chad Reis | February 19, 2023

  1. What are some of your pet peeves?

  2. Where are some areas in your life where you can see a religious spirit? What about in your walk with God?

  3. Spend time in prayer individually and/or in pairs asking God to reveal the depths of His love beyond just knowledge or an intellectual exercise.


Grace Pt. 2 | Series: Trapped (Week 2)

Pastor Sam Cabra | February 12, 2023

  1. What are some of the main roles of the Holy Spirit as described by Jesus in John 16?

  2. What’s the difference between convicting someone of sin vs. convicting someone of righteousness?

  3. What are some major differences between Law and Grace (e.g., Old Covenant vs. New Covenant)?


Grace Pt. 1 | Series: Trapped (Week 1)

Pastor Sam Cabra | February 5, 2023

  1. How would you answer this question: What is God like

  2. Why do you think some people consider grace to be "scandalous"?

  3. What was the only group of people that Jesus consistently got upset with?  Why?

  4. What does it mean that "His qualification is greater than our disqualification"?


Pursue Discernment

Pastor Tiffa Garza | January 29, 2023

  1. How do you make important decisions?

  2. Where do you need discernment in your life?

  3. Ephesians 5:10 talks about discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. What does that mean?


Profit Under Pressure

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | January 22, 2023

  1. What was a past trial or hardship that you faced, and what was your takeaway from it?

  2. What is a current trial or hardship that you are currently facing?

  3. If you sit with Jesus and ask about your specific trial, what do you hear Him saying to you?

  4. How can you keep the flame of your faith burning?


Storing the Oil of Intimacy

Pastor Chad Reis | January 15, 2023

  1. What stuck out the most to you in this message?

  2. What is one word, scripture, or phrase that you are anchoring yourself to in order to guide 2023?

  3. How will you practically prioritize intimacy with Jesus this year?

  4. Pair up and pray specifically for each other. That the Holy Spirit would empower us to store the oil of intimacy with Jesus in this season.


Spiritual Hunger

Pastor Brett Nakasone | January 8, 2023

  1. What was your takeaway from this message?

  2. What are you currently feeding your soul?

  3. During our 21 days of prayer and fasting, how will you feed your soul with more of Jesus?

  4. Complete your 21-Day Fasting Worksheet

  5. Pray for one another.


A Renewed Hope

Pastor Chad Reis | December 18, 2022

  1. What do you look forward to the most in the Christmas season?

  2. Do you find yourself more often in blind optimism or qavah (tense expectation)

  3. Where are you currently stuck in the tension of hope? (Where has it been difficult to believe for Jesus to move?)

  4. Take some time to posture before the Lord and pray together.


Get Your Wonder Back

Pastor Tiffa Garza | December 11, 2022

  1. Describe “Wonder” in your own words.

  2. Do you feel like you have lost the wonder in your relationship with God? Why or why not?

  3. When it comes to your relationship with Jesus, how will you position yourself for more wonder?


My Brother’s Keeper

Special Guest Speaker | December 4, 2022

  1. What was the biggest takeaway from today’s message?

  2. Why do you think your takeaway words resonated with you?

  3. Ask God, how does this connect with my life today? What do I need to know or be or do?

  4. Pray for one another.


Heaven’s Currency | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 7)

Pastor Chad Reis | November 20, 2022

  1. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

  2. What stood out to you the most about this message?

  3. Partner up, share your honor plan, and pray for each other and the person who will be honored.


A Place of Safety | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 6)

Pastor Chad Reis | November 20, 2022

  1. What is something that makes you feel safe?

  2. What is your initial response when you hear that "Safety in Christ unlocks the freedom of Heaven"?

  3. Share about a faithful friend that you have had or currently have in your life.

  4. How can you press into Jesus this week?


God is Enough | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 5)

Matt Tsujimura | November 13, 2022

  1. How much is enough for you?

  2. When in your life have you struggled with thinking “God is enough?”

  3. Share a time when God was enough in your life.


Building a Healthy Relationship With Rules | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 4)

Jamin Hiebert | November 6, 2022

  1. Would you describe yourself as a rule keeper or a rule breaker

  2. What are you more focused on, rules or relationship?

  3. What are some rules that you’ve adopted that keep you from being free?

  4. What are some realities (rules) you should implement?


Help My Unbelief | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 3)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | October 30, 2022

  1. What keeps you stuck and not free in the way that God has designed for us?

  2. Where do you wrestle with unbelief in your life?

  3. How might you invite Jesus into that space of struggle and unbelief?


Freedom Culture | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 2)

Pastor Creighton Arita, Dean Kaneshiro, Pastor Chad Reis & Pastor Kamu Sing | October 23, 2022

  1. What was your takeaway from today’s message?

  2. Is there any way you can partner with the Freedom Culture Campaign? (i.e. Praying, giving, serving)

  3. Pray for the Freedom Culture Campaign.


What is Freedom? | Series: Freedom Culture (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | October 16, 2022

  1. How would you define freedom?

  2. Where are you on the spectrum of freedom in Christ?

  3. Which item(s) on the list of “the flesh” or bondage, found in Galatians 5 do you struggle with most?

  4. How have I partnered in hindering myself or others walking in freedom?

  5. What’s one step that I can take this week to progress on my journey towards “freedom in Christ”?


Christianity & Science: Enemies or Friends?
Dr. Jeff Zweerink | October 9, 2022

  1. What questions have you had about God and science?

  2. What was the biggest thing that stood out to you in Jeff’s message?

  3. How has this message impacted your walk with Jesus?


Spender, Saver, or Steward?
Pastor Chad Reis | October 2, 2022

  1. When it comes to money are you more of a spender or a saver?

  2. How does fear currently affect your stewardship of finances? How has it been in the past?

  3. Will you be participating in the tithe challenge? Share any questions, comments, or concerns you might have.

  4. Pray for each other.


Redeeming Repentance

Pastor Brett Nakasone | September 25, 2022

  1. Before Pastor Brett shared today, how did you view repentance? What emotions would you associate with repentance? (I.e. Guilt, shame, etc.)

  2. Many times we find ourselves focusing about what we’re repenting of and not necessarily Who we are turning towards. After today’s message, has your view of the Father changed? If so, share. If not, what is your current view of our Father?

  3. How can you focus on the Father this upcoming week?

  4. How can your Circle encourage you to stay the course and trust the process?

  5. Pray for revelation to see God for who He truly is and that His love wouldn’t just be intellectual, but something we feel deep within our hearts.


Walking Dead to Restoration Life

Pastor Aaron Larson | September 18, 2022

  1. What storms of life are you currently going through or has Jesus brought you through? (Related to What/Why Jesus brought Disciples through in Mark 4) How can Jesus use what He brought you through to help others come to Jesus to find healing and restoration?

  2. Think of one person in your life who could help in coming to Jesus. Pray about what you can specifically do to help that person. With the help of the Holy Spirit, make a plan to meet that person where they are at.

  3. What are specific struggles you are experiencing today? Think of both, internal (ex: Fear, depression, anxiety, trust issues, Identity issues, suicidal thoughts, etc) and external. (Difficult relationships at work or in the home. Pressures from job, school, church, family, goals for your life, addictions, etc)

  4. Are you willing to come to Jesus with those struggles? Why or why not? IF not what is specifically preventing you?

  5. Are you living in shame and condemnation in any area of your life? Be specific. Schedule time NOW to bring these to Jesus expecting freedom and restoration. Who is a trusted person that you can and will invite into your life to walk with you through this process? Make a plan to contact that person and invite them into your life so that you are not walking alone.

  6. Take time with Jesus to have the Holy Spirit reveal areas in your heart and mind where you have been indifferent or judgemental towards others. Take time to repent, ask for forgiveness and receive Jesus' forgiveness. What thoughts and actions do you need to change in these areas?


Humility Required | Series: Until Unity (Week 5)

Pastor Chad Reis | September 11, 2022

  1. What has God done in your life through this teaching series? What has changed? What have you learned about unity and maturity?

  2. How would you define humility? What are some indicators or markers of humility?

  3. Pastor Chad defined humility as knowing who you are with God and knowing who you are without God. Share about who you are with and without God.


Grieve Not the Spirit | Series: Until Unity (Week 4)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | September 4, 2022

  1. Are you aware when you grieve the Spirit of God? If so, how?

  2. What does “Rekindle love for the Lord” mean for you?

  3. Where have you seen disunity within the body of Christ?


The Cost of Unity | Series: Until Unity (Week 3)

Pastor Sam Cabra | August 28, 2022

  1. Why is unity important for believers?

  2. How do Believers maintain a heart for unity even when we disagree with others?

  3. It's been said, "You can only give away what you carry." How do we know if we actually carry a heart for unity? What are some examples from times when you found out if you carried it or not?


Fight for Unity | Series: Until Unity (Week 2)

Matt Tsujimura | August 21, 2022

  1. What is an example of unity in your life?

  2. Which do you typically seek: unity or preference? Why?

  3. What is the most difficult part of fighting for unity for you?


Walk Worthy | Series: Until Unity (Week 1)

Pastor Chad Reis | August 14, 2022

  1. Which one of the 5 things listed in Ephesians 4:2-3 is hardest for you to live out? Explain.

  2. Would you say that you struggle more with self-centeredness or self-righteousness? Describe.

  3. Pray for each other in your circles. Pray that God would begin to break off self-centeredness and self-righteousness and begin to bring unity in our relationships and in the bride of Christ.


Derailed Unity

Mike Brock | July 31, 2022

  1. Is there a time that you have knowingly or unknowingly hurt someone with a conversation that you should not have been having?

  2. This week will you take the courageous step towards unity? Will you identify the person, church, or group that you spoke ill of and weak reconciliation?


Sabbath | Series: Sifted (Week 4)

Pastor Tiffa Garza | July 24, 2022

  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word, “sabbath”?

  2. How might your relationship with God and others change if sabbath was part of your week?

  3. When was the last time you felt truly rested in mind, body, and soul?

  4. Do you resist spiritual discipline? Why or why not?


Studying the Word | Series: Sifted (Week 3)

Jamin Hiebert | July 17, 2022

  1. What is the biggest obstacle that keeps you from studying the scripture?

  2. What are some areas you need to sift through to find the truth?

  3. How would your personal Bible study be different if your main goal is looking for Jesus?


Fasting & Prayer | Series: Sifted (Week 2)

Pastor Chad Reis | July 10, 2022

  1. Describe your experience with the discipline of fasting. (Have you tried it before? What kind of fast did you do? Etc.)

  2. Pastor Chad described a deep “spiritual hunger”. Share some symptoms or areas that you see in your own life or around you that are displaying that deeper hunger. (i.e. anxiety, anger, depression, addiction, etc)

  3. Which of the 5 biblical reasons for fasting resonate with you the most in this season? Share.

  4. Are there any other reasons for fasting that you see in the Bible?


Solitude & Silence | Series: Sifted (Week 1)

Pastor Dawn Ching | July 3, 2022

  1. Is there a special time (mornings, evenings) or place (indoors, outdoors) that you intentionally schedule to have quiet time with The Lord? 

  2. Have you spent time alone with God recently, just being still and silent?  If so, were you able to hear His gentle whisper?  Share your experience. 

  3. All of us are placed into situations where we need God’s wisdom and direction.  In the next week, schedule a block of time to practice the discipline of solitude and stillness.  Ask God to reveal to You what you need to know about this particular situation.  Share the results with your Circle.


Discipleship in Circles & Families

Dean Kaneshiro | June 26, 2022


1) When Dean was describing how out-of-control screen time, video games, porn, and social media have become—this “current” pulling us away from God—what one thing stood out to you about your own life?

2) There are four pillars of discipleship Dean mentioned that help us grow - The Word of God (Study & Devotions), a Biblical Worldview (Apologetics & defending your faith), living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (Prayer & Gifts of the Spirit), and Adult Mentors (Parents & the Spiritual Community). Which one do you feel you need to grow in the most?

3) Dean mentioned that there are things about the way we do church—especially on Sundays—that we need to “reinvent.” What is one thing you see about how we do church life that could change to make discipleship more effective?

4) To overcome the spirit of the world and break free from the grip of the “god of this age,” we NEED the power of the Holy Spirit to fill us and empower us fresh every day. Take a few minutes to lay hands on one another and release the power of the Spirit, sharing words of prophecy God gives you for one another. Let’s GOOOO!!!!!


As the Father Goes

Pastor Chad Reis | June 19, 2022

  1. What did your father teach you about 'being a man' or what a father is? This could be positive or negative and could have been directly taught or something you 'caught' from watching him.

  2. Do you have a hard time viewing/believing God the Father the way that He is described in "The Prodigal Son"? Explain.

  3. Do you struggle with being present over being perfect? Explain.

  4. What is one practical way that you can commit to being more present this week? Pray for each other in the ways that are shared.


The Bait of Satan

Pastor Chad Reis | June 12, 2022

  1. Which do you find yourself more caught in: accusation against yourself (lies in your mind) or accusation against others (judgement & criticism)? Does this happen most at home, work, school, etc.? Explain.

  2. Based on what you answered above, who or what is God highlighting as the hardest area for you to repent of letting an accusatory spirit creep in? Why?

  3. Take time to pray either as a group or in pairs for the Holy Spirit to begin to do His work and to drive out this accusatory spirit from each other and the church as a whole. Pray for unity in the body of Christ the way that Jesus prayed for it in John 17.


Count It All Joy

Pastor Beth Barone | June 5, 2022

  1. Think about a specific situation that was troublesome.  What were you feeling and how quickly (if at all) did you turn to God and allow Him to lead, strengthen and encourage you during the problem.  If possible share with others what happened.

  2. When a person approaches you with difficult or painful issues do you bring them to God?  Please explain your answer.

  3. What are the biggest obstacles to asking God to help you when you are in a trial?  Why is that and what could you do to overcome the obstacle?


Fake It Until You Make It | Series: Send (Week 3)

Matt Tsujimura | May 29, 2022

  1. What area(s) in your life do you wrestle with either a “fake it til you make it” mentality or imposter syndrome?

  2. How do you determine whether you’ve “made it”?

  3. Why is it so difficult to say “yes” to the Lord every time He sends you?


Compassion is the Key | Series: Send (Week 2)

Pastor Chad Reis | May 22, 2022

  1. How does comfort personally affect you when it comes to advancing the kingdom of God?

  2. What does it mean to you to have compassion?

  3. Is there a particular person or group of people that God has given you a spirit of compassion? Share.

    • If not, pray for each other that God would reveal who, or where He can begin to give you compassion.

  4. Share one thing God is highlighting for you to be able to minister to these people or this place.


The Catch | Series: Send (Week 1)

Mike Brock | May 15, 2022

  1. Do you feel like you have been an angler or a net fisherman when it comes to sharing your faith?

  2. What does a communitarian approach to the lost look like to you?

  3. What does biblical symmetry look like to you?

  4. How can you/your circle build a net to catch the lost?

Download FREE Circle Resource


Stay Hungry

Pastor Tiffa Garza | May 8, 2022

  1. Jesus said, “I am the Bread of life.” How might the truth of this statement encourage your life?

  2. Pastor Tiffa mentioned a “Starved soul.” Have you ever felt spiritually empty?

  3. When was the last time you memorized a Bible verse, if so, which one?


Joseph’s Tears

Dr. Efland Amerson | May 1, 2022

  1. What are your childhood dreams that got discarded due to unforeseen circumstances in your life?

  2. Are there unresolved conflicts (with family and/ or friends) that are stopping you from reaching your maximal potential in your walk with Christ? Is it time to change/ resolve them?

  3. What changes do you need to make in your life to move you from the prison (being stuck mentally, emotionally, lacking God’s favor) to the palace (living life abundantly, supernatural favor, more than a conqueror)?


Learning to Follow

Pastor Chad Reis | April 24, 2022

  1. How well do you deal with change? Share a specific example of a time you encountered change and saw this.

  2. How have you defined “following” Jesus previously?

  3. How is God challenging you to refine your definition of what it means to follow Him in this season? What is He asking you to pursue Him in?


Coming Back to Life

Pastor Chad Reis | April 17, 2022

  1. Share a time you experienced something that had never been done before either personally or in your family.

  2. Read through Luke 24:1-12 together

  3. Jesus’ resurrection displayed that God Is a God who does things that have never been done before. What are you believing He can resurrect in your life? Or are you struggling to believe? Share.


Is Jesus Enough?

Pastor Tiffa Garza | April 10, 2022

  1. What does “Fullness of Christ” mean for you?

  2. If Jesus is enough what might that show the people we live with, work with or go to school with?

  3. What expectations have you placed on Jesus over the last couple of years or even a couple of days?


The Beautiful Exchange

Pastor Chad Reis | April 3, 2022

  1. What was the most recent exchange you have made?

  2. What does reconciliation mean to you?

  3. How is God specifically calling you to either be reconciled to Him or to minister reconciliation in this season?


Great Anticipation

Pastor Chad Reis | March 27, 2022

  1. What was an event or something that you had great anticipation for? Or have great anticipation for?

  2. What are some of the temptations that you are currently facing as we are in a season of anticipating God bringing things back to life?

  3. How can you consistently invest deeper into your relationship with God and others in this season?


With All of Your Heart

Pastor TJ Gorum | March 20, 2022

  1. Pastor TJ shared for different ways that we naturally love God, which one are you more inclined towards and what does it look like?

    2. We talked about loving God from our whole person and not just part of it, what would it look like for you to balance out your love?

    3. At the end of the message, we had some time to ask God if there was any area of our heart that He wanted more of. What did you get during that time? (If you didn't do, it's ok to stop and do it now.

    4. What's one practical way you can put that into action this week?


Beholding the Beauty of Jesus

Pastor Reagan Miura | March 13, 2022

  1. What is something that you find beauty in? (Art, music, dance, film, people, nature, etc.)

  2. What stood out to you the most in pastor Reagan’s message?

  3. Do you find it difficult to find beauty in Jesus? Explain.


Psalm 46

Pastor Chad Reis | March 6, 2022

  1. Was there a toy or an object that you just needed to have with you as a kid?

  2. What do you find yourself placing your sense of security or trust in the most?

  3. Come up with a plan for you to begin to declare the truth of Psalm 46 in your life to partner with God in taking it from an intellectual idea to reality in your life. What is the first step for you to do this?


Psalm 91

Pastor Tiffa Garza | February 27, 2022

  1. Do you think that you trust God easily? Why or why not?

  2. Do God’s promises ever feel distant from you?

  3. Is there a Psalm that moves your heart? If so, which one?


Psalm 23

Pastor Dawn Ching | February 20, 2022

  1. Which verse in Psalm 23 resonated with you to declare over your life? Share.

    2. It’s natural to trust our Good Shepherd, Jesus during the good times and mountaintop experiences of life. On the other hand,  during the deep valleys of life, we may have a tendency to want to control our lives instead of trusting Jesus. Share one of your valley experiences and how you navigated through that valley – either on your own or by following Jesus.

    3. If you are presently in a valley in your life, what did you learn from David in Psalm 23 and how can you apply it as you navigate through the valley?


Psalm 27

Pastor Chad Reis | February 13, 2022

  1. Which of the fears that Pastor Chad mentioned do you struggle with most? Is there one he didn't mention that you struggle with?

  2. What verse(s) of Psalm 27 do you feel that you need to declare the most in your life right now? Why?

  3. Which of the three points can you intentionally work on this week? Fixing your focus, Deciding where to dwell, or communicating your confidence?


Be Holy

Pastor Tiffa Garza | February 6, 2022

  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word “HOLY”?

  2. How do we separate ourselves from the world’s culture and live out God’s truth without becoming legalistic and self-righteous?

  3. Have you attended Fresh Fire prayer hour before?


Building a Discipleship Culture

Dean Kaneshiro | January 30, 2022

  1. What was one thing that stood out to you or challenged you?

  2. What is the biggest lie you’ve believed that has kept you from mentoring or serving others? What are you doing to get set free and take action?

  3. Using notes you took from your WORKSHEET, share which of the three areas of Church Life you are still looking for (Large Gatherings, Small Gatherings, One-On-One Mentorship). What steps are you taking to get connected?



Mike Brock | January 23, 2022

  1. What’s an area God is calling you to step out and activate your gifts?

  2. What is the “giant” in your life that is stopping you?

  3. How has God equipped you to defeat this giant?


C4’s God-Sized Vision

Pastor Creighton Arita | January 2, 2022

  1. Pastor Creighton shared the three biggest challenges the enemy uses against us. Which one do you struggle with most? Why?

  2. Take a moment of repentance. Whether it’s enslavement to the world, operating on your own strength rather than His Spirit, or your impatience due to the microwave mentality. Remember, all repentance means is turning back to God. There is no shame or condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. When we repent, scales begin to fall from our eyes and our hearts begin to soften.

  3. Pray for one another. Pray for God’s wisdom, strength, and revelation.

  4. Ask the Holy Spirit how you can begin to spend more time with Him this week.


Make Room for Hope

Pastor Chad Reis | December 26, 2021

  1. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Why?

  2. Read the prophecies about Jesus in Isaiah chapters 9 and Isaiah 11. How does your heart respond to reading this?

  3. Based on pastor Chad’s message, how can you make room for hope in this season?


When Your Hope is Attacked

Pastor Tiffa Garza | December 19, 2021

  1. Is your hope under attack, if so how?

  2. Is praying out loud easy for you? Why or why not?

  3. Have you placed your hope in Jesus?


Where is Your Hope?

Matt Tsujimura | December 12, 2021

  1. How do you define Hope?

  2. What have you been placing your Hope in?

  3. What does it look like for you to wait quietly, diligently, and expectantly?


Anniversary Weekend

December 5, 2021

  1. What is your fondest memory while being part of the C4 family?

  2. Looking back on your life, what are you most grateful to God for?

  3. Moving forward, if you could God to do one thing in your life, what would it be?


What is Shaping You?

Pastor Chad Reis | November 28, 2021

  1. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?

  2. What is shaping you in this season?

  3. How can you begin to fight back and "delight in the Lord?"


How to Have More Peace in Your Relationships

Pastor TJ Gorum | November 21, 2021


When They’re Not Ready

Pastor Tiffa Garza | November 14, 2021

  1. Where do you see conflict in your life?

  2. How do you feel about "long-suffering" in regards to conflict?

  3. Have you ever invited God into your conflict before?


Let’s Agree to Disagree

Matt Tsujimura | November 7, 2021

  1. Is there conflict in your life that you’re avoiding?

  2. Why are you avoiding that conflict?

  3. Pray and seek God’s perspective on the conflict in your life.


The Cause of Conflict

Pastor Chad Reis | October 31, 2021

  1. What area(s) of life do you notice conflict the most? (ie. work, marriage, kids, parents, school, friends, etc.)

  2. What are some of the "desires" or "hedone" that you notice raging most often within you? (ie. jealousy, anger, comparison, bitterness, envy, etc.)

  3. Take time to pray for each other and ask God to begin to reveal and heal some of these conflict areas.


The Third Servant

Mike Brock | October 24, 2021

  1. What did God speak to you through this message?

  2. “He does not need me” “He can do it without me” “It’s not going to matter if I am apart or not” - Which of these statements do you say or hear most?

  3. What is one way that you can apply this message going forward?


Letter to Laodecia

Pastor Chad Reis | October 17, 2021

  1. What do you think Jesus would say to the church today?

  2. What are some similarities/differences that you see between the church at Laodecia and the Church (as a whole) today?

  3. After hearing this message, how do you view repentance?

  4. Take 5-10 minutes and practice repentance.


Letter to Philadelphia

Pastor TJ Gorum | October 10, 2021

  1. In the message this weekend, Pastor TJ asked us what we think it sounds like when God speaks to us (if it was more on the encouraging side or the correction side). How did you answer that question and where did you put yourself on the line. Click here to view the line

  2. Many times it can be easy to grow weary while doing good, especially when it seems like the “good” we are doing doesn’t seem to be making much of a  difference. What’s an area in your life where it can be easy for you to grow weary doing good? What do you do when weariness rears its head in that area? 

  3. What is the best way we as a circle help support you as you continue to persevere in this area? 

  4. If you are up for it, take 2 minutes of quiet and ask God the following question:  “God, what do you want to say to me?”. You may have a scripture, a thought, or a  picture come to mind. You may have nothing happen at all (which is totally ok and doesn’t mean anything is wrong). The important thing is to just try and make space for God to speak. Share what you got (if there was anything) with the group.


Letter to Sardis

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | October 3, 2021

  1. What is one of your favorite childhood memories and why?

  2. How has culture (education, upbringing, traditions, relationships, religion, Jesus, etc.) formed what you currently believe?

  3. What is one foundational belief you currently hold and how did you acquire it?

  4. Can you identify one belief or rule in your life that Jesus either affirms or contradicts through His teaching? Please explain.


Letter to Ephesus

Pastor Chad Reis | September 26, 2021

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. What is currently your biggest distraction from "the love you had at first?"

  3. Remember, Repent, and Return. Which of these words that Jesus advised is hardest for you to do? Why?


Tell Somebody

Pastor Tiffa Garza | September 19, 2021

  1. Is it easy for you to share your personal testimony of faith? Why or why not?

  2. When did you last share with someone an interaction you had with God?

  3. How is your faith grown this year or this week?


How to Live in Shameless Relationships

Pastor Beth Barone | September 12, 2021

  1. Describe what being vulnerable looks like to you?

  2. Have you ever felt shame because you experienced someone was judging you. If yes, please explain your answer.

  3. How important do you think it is for the body of Christ to embrace God’s gift of unity during these difficult times? Why do you believe what you think?


The Martha Syndrome

Mike Brock | September 5, 2021

  1. What does it mean to become in proximity of Christ but not enter into intimacy with Christ?

  2. What did John Ortberg mean when he wrote, “Spiritual Habituation is in some ways more dangerous than spiritual depravity because it can become so gradual.”

  3. Observe and comment on Michelangelo’s painting of the Sistine Chapel.


When it’s Hard to Hope

Pastor TJ Gorum | August 29, 2021

  1. On a scale of 1-4 (1 being none and 4 being the most), how hopeful do you feel right now? Why do you think that is?

  2. Pastor TJ talked about “false peaks”, times when you put your hope in a certain circumstance or outcome but then that outcome doesn’t actually come to pass. Share a time where you put your hope in something that didn’t happen. How did this affect you? How did you overcome it?

  3. When things get hard and stressful, where are the places you go for hope or comfort other than Jesus? What would it be like for you to go to Jesus first?

  4. Pastor TJ talked about the importance of not only knowing what God said, but what He is saying to us. What do you think Jesus is saying to you in the current season you are in now? How can the group help to best support you?


Moses the Intercessor

Pastor Reagan Miura | August 22, 2021

  1. Share your biggest takeaway from this message.

  2. Do a search on the character of God. What stands out to you the most about His emotions and Attributes? Explain.

  3. What does "friendship with God" mean to you?

  4. How can you step deeper into a friendship with God this week?


Radical | Radical Obedience

Pastor Chad Reis | August 15, 2021

  1. What stood out to you the most in this message?

  2. How do you feel knowing that God desires obedience through a relationship with you? Is that hard to receive? Why or why not?

  3. Is there something specific that God is asking you to be obedient in going forward?

  4. How can you focus on your relationship with God this week?


Radical | Radical Death

Pastor Jarin Oda | August 8, 2021

  1. After reading John 12:24-26 can you identify one thing that brings you comfort and another that challenges you. Why?

  2. What is one area of your life that needs to die so that you can experience true life and freedom?

  3. What do you think your life would look and feel like if you were to surrender your comforts and challenges to Jesus?

  4. Do you have a community that encourages you to surrender to Jesus? If not we can help you. Click the red CONNECT button on our website so our team can help you find a smaller community that fits you.


Radical | Radical Humility

Pastor Chad Reis | August 1, 2021

  1. How would you define humility?

  2. In what areas of life do you find yourself clinging to your ability?

  3. Read Philippians 2:5-11 & Ephesians 3:7-9. What questions do you have about these passages and humility?


Radical | Radical Love

Pastor Brett Nakasone | July 25, 2021

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Which aspects of agape love do you struggle with? (I.e. patience, kindness, humility, etc.)

  2. We all fall short of agape love. Where is one area of your life you need to share more agape love? (I.e. marriage, children, work, etc.)

  3. What is one thing you will start doing this week to love God? (Remember, you aren’t loving God more so that He will love you more)

  4. Take 3 minutes to sit and be still before God. Soak in the agape love He has for you. Write down what you hear or think.


Radical | Radical Generosity

Matt Tsujimura | July 18, 2021

  1. What does radical generosity look like to you?

  2. In what ways do you struggle with a spirit of lack?

  3. How has God been generous to you?


Radical | Radical Mercy

Pastor Beth Barone | July 11, 2021

  1. Read Luke 6:27-36

  2. Make a list of all the items Jesus asked of the people following Him.

  3. What do you feel you struggle with most with on this list? How can you begin to step into radical mercy this week?


Radical | Radical Faith

Pastor Tiffa Garza | July 4, 2021

  1. What is God asking you to have faith for? How is God calling you to be a radical?

  2. What prevents you from walking in radical obedience?

  3. Share a story of radical faith about you or someone you know.


Radical | Radical Unity

Pastor Chad Reis | June 27, 2021


Download the “One Another” List

  1. Share your biggest takeaway from this message.

  2. Do a Bible word search on "unity" and read all the passages together. What stands out to you?

  3. Which item(s) on the "one another" list will you practice this week?


Pray | Shameless Persistent Prayer

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | June 20, 2021


Read Luke 11:1-13, Revelation 4, and Isaiah 11:1-5.

  1. Meditate on the parallels between these scriptures.

  2. Where have you stopped asking or persisting in prayer? Why?

  3. What is something you don't enjoy doing but continue to do out of necessity?

  4. How do you get yourself to complete the undesirable?

  5. How can you apply this to your shameless, persistent prayer life?


Pray | The Focus of Prayer

Matt Tsujimura | June 13, 2021

  1. What have you been praying about recently?

  2. Who is the focus of your prayers?

  3. Who is the God you pray to?

  4. Ask God what He is doing in your life, and share what He tells you.


Pray | Pray in the Spirit

Pastor Brett Nakasone | June 6, 2021

  1. Before today’s message what was your beliefs/thoughts on praying in the Spirit?

  2. What hesitation, if any, do you have about praying in the Spirit?

  3. Is there anything you are still questioning or wrestling with when it comes to praying in the Spirit? (If so, send us an email at info@c4.church)

  4. Where do you need empowerment from the Holy Spirit in your life?

  5. Pray as a group to desire ALL gifts from the Spirit.


Pray | The Power of Corporate Prayer

Pastor Matt Skeele | May 30, 2021

  1. Do you have set prayer times? If so, describe when, where, etc.

  2. Do you pray corporately? If yes, describe. If no, explain.

  3. Pray together with your circle or family.


Pray | The Power of Praying Scripture

Pastor Dawn Ching | May 23, 2021

  1. Why are our prayers so powerful when we pray the scriptures?

  2. Have you ever prayed the scriptures for yourself or for others in your circle of influence? Share your experience.

  3. The Book of Psalms is a good starting place to learn how to pray the scriptures. Personalize your prayers by placing your name or the name of the person you are praying for into the scripture.

  4. Recommended Resource: Prayers that Avail Much by Germaine Copeland is an excellent resource filled with many examples of how to pray the scriptures for any situation.


Pray | Secrets of Secret Place

Pastor Tiffa Garza | May 16, 2021

  1. Did someone teach you how to pray as a child? What are your earliest memories of prayer?

  2. What are your questions about prayer?

  3. Prior to hearing this message had you heard of the secret place in this context of prayer before?


Mother’s Day | Is God Enough?

Pastor Kamu Sing | May 9, 2021

  1. Take 30 minutes to sit with God (device & distraction free) and ask these questions:

  2. How would you describe me as your son or daughter?

  3. What is important to You, God?

  4. Is there anything you want to change in me? Or do in me?


Made New | Pursue Jesus

Pastor Chad Reis | May 1 & 2, 2021

  1. How has your relationship with Jesus grown over the last year?

  2. What is an area in your life where you are not experiencing true freedom? Where have you possibly overcomplicated things?

  3. How can you pursue Jesus this week? What is one step?


Made New | What Voice Are You Listening To?

Pastor Brett Nakasone | April 24 & 25, 2021

  1. The voice Pastor Brett would listen to was, "You're not good enough." What is the voice you listen to?

  2. Take the time and ask God, "God can you speak Your truth to me about this?"

  3. Write down what you hear. If you're comfortable, share it with those you are discussing with.

  4. Pray for one another.


Made New | Authentic Conversations

Pastor Tiffa Garza | April 17 & 18, 2021

  1. When was the last time you had an honest and authentic conversation with God?

  2. When was the last time you had an honest and authentic conversation with anyone?

  3. It is hard for you to be honest and authentic about your struggles and/or weaknesses? Why or why not?


Made New

Pastor Chad Reis | April 10 & 11, 2021

  1. What was your main takeaway from this message?

  2. What area of your life are you struggling to control?

  3. In your life, where have you experienced what it means to be “made new” in Christ?

  4. Pray for one another to be able to surrender the answer to #2 to Jesus.


C4 Easter Celebration | Open Your Eyes to Hope

Pastor Chad Reis | April 3 & 4, 2021

  1. What has been some of the major changes or losses you have experienced in the last year?

  2. How hard is it for you to have hope in this season? Explain.

  3. In what specific are of life are you needing Jesus to “open your eyes to hope”?


Reset (Week 6) | Jesus, Take Over

Pastor Tiffa Garza | March 27 & 28, 2021

  1. What does the Lordship of Jesus mean to you?

  2. What’s one thing today that you can ask God to take over?

  3. Do find that you experience joy submitting to God? Why or why not?


Reset (Week 5) | With All Your Strength

Pastor Jared Yamaguchi | March 20 & 21, 2021


Read aloud: Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-7; Matt. 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. What is the one thing you are chasing after with all your strength right now?

  3. What are some practical ways you are able to love God with all your strength?


Reset (Week 4) | Set Your Soul Free

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | March 13 & 14, 2021

  1. As honest as you can, describe where your identity and value is rooted.

  2. What is that “one thing” with which you feel the Holy Spirit is confronting you

  3. When it comes to loving God with all your soul, which part is most challenging for you? i.e. time, priorities, know how, etc.


Reset (Week 3) | With All Your Mind

Pastor Chad Reis | March 6 & 7, 2021

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this message?

  2. How hard is it for you to align your thoughts to God's truths? Why do you think that is?

  3. How can you walk out the truth of this message this week?


Reset (Week 2) | With All of Your Heart

Pastor Tiffa Garza | February 27 & 28, 2021

  1. What does “Enthrone Him” mean to you?

  2. Is it easy to be aware of God’s presence in your life or is it hard?

  3. How will you pursue intimacy with the Lord today?


Reset (Week 1) | Burn Before We Shine

Pastor Reagan Miura | February 20 & 21, 2021

  1. What does it mean to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength?

  2. And how does this work itself out in your life?


Marked (Week 7) | Special Q&A Service

February 13 & 14, 2021

  1. What was your biggest takeaway from this panel message?

  2. After this series, what is your understanding of living a “marked” life in Christ?

  3. Challenge: Ask any tough questions that you are still trying to process through when it comes to being “marked” by God.


Marked (Week 6) | Losing Your Life to Find It

Matt Tsujimura | February 6 & 7, 2021

  1. Share about a time in your life where you’ve had to surrender something.

  2. What are the things in your life that you consider ‘gain’?

  3. What makes it difficult to surrender the things on your ‘gains’ list?

  4. What is one way you can spend time with Jesus this week?


Marked (Week 5) | Render Unto God What is God’s

Pastor Bethy Barone | January 30 & 31, 2021

  1. When you think of the “image” stamped on your heart what comes to mind?

  2. Which system (World’s or God’s) do you feel fits you best. Please explain your answer
    a. World system – Value = Your performances-your failures
    b. God’s system – Identity + Value = Dignity

  3. What do you think Jesus meant when He said, render unto God’s what is God’s and unto
    Caesar’s what is Caesar’s? How could that apply to you?


Marked (Week 4) | You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Pastor Kamu Sing | January 23 & 24, 2021

  1. Share a time in your life where you thought you knew more about a subject, topic or object only later to learn you didn’t know as much as you thought.

  2. Share the moment in your life where God truly became real for you. Explain.

  3. What is one thing you can work toward deepening your relationship with God?


Marked (Week 3) | God Won’t Bless the Pretending

Pastor Brett Nakasone | January 16 & 17, 2021

  1. Growing up, did you find yourself comparing yourself to others? If so, what did you compare?

  2. Is there an area of life you find yourself in comparison? If so, where? (i.e. Parenting, finances, work, body image, school, etc.)

  3. What next step can you take to discover who God has made you to be?

  4. Ask God, "What is one thing you like about me?" (Don't forget to write it down)

  5. Pray for one another.


Marked (Week 2) | Embrace the Journey

Pastor Chad Reis | January 9 & 10, 2021

  1. Where are you on your journey with God? High? Low? Explain.

  2. To what degree are you embracing God’s journey for your life? Explain.

  3. Pray for each other. That God would remind you of the journey He has for your life and that He would help you through the tough seasons on the journey.


Marked (Week 1) | Marked by God

Pastor Keane Kitagawa | January 2 & 3, 2021

  1. What are you hopeful for in 2021? Please describe...

  2. Looking back at 2020, share about one challenging transition you experienced personally.

  3. If that challenging transition followed you into 2021, please talk about what God might be saying to you now.

  4. After listening to Godʻs Word in 1Peter 2:9 and Romans 8:31-34, how would you say you are personally marked by God?

  5. What are some clarifying questions you would like to ask our teaching team to more fully explain?

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