Discipleship for ages 2-3yrs & PreK-6th graders at 8am & 10am Sunday services! PLUS… Nursery for 0-1yrs is open as well!
Worship together as a family in the main auditorium, then release your registered keiki (PreK-6th grade) for a special time in the Bible, learning songs of truth, hearing from God, and growing in the gift of prophecy and praying for one another!
Registration and drop off for Nursery (0-1yrs) and 2-3yrs starting 15 min before service, first-come-first-serve style… we fill up fast!
Safety for Our Keiki
All of our Staff and Ministry Team members are background checked and follow Foursquare safety procedures. We also train our team in a non-pressure, free-will style of ministry so keiki are challenged in their relationship with God but never forced to do anything they don’t want to.
Get in on the Action!
Join our Kids Ministry Team and grow in practical skills to disciple your own keiki, build confidence to spiritually lead in your home, and receive the satisfaction of watching kids mature in the Lord. Click here to learn how you can serve!
COVID Guidelines
Masks are completely optional for your keiki. Our staff and volunteer ministry teams are not required to wear masks. Also be aware we serve gold fish for snack to our 2-3yrs keiki.

“After her first Sunday in Kids Ministry, my 7 year-old has asked to practice hearing God’s voice every day as we drive to school in the mornings. So cool!”
— Leimomi, C4 Parent
Family Ministry - Leadership Team
Dean Kaneshiro
Family Ministry Director (Campfire for Families & FES)
Brett Nakasone
Youth Pastor (Collide Youth - Thursdays)
Katie Nicole Palmer
Kids Ministry Director (Sundays & Events)
Renee Takahashi
Community Pastor (Marriage Mondays, Biblical Guidance)
Koreen & Aaron Larson
Young Adults (18yrs-25yrs)