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Latest Sermon: “Sustaining Your God-Given Dream Pt. 1”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever experienced a season of disappointment in your walk with God? How did it impact your perspective on the dream or assignment He has given you?

  2. The sermon outlines a progression from disappointment to bitterness, unforgiveness, and jealousy. Where do you see yourself most vulnerable in this cycle, and how can you guard against it?

  3. Out of the eight qualities listed in 2 Peter 1 (goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love), which one is the Holy Spirit highlighting for you to grow in? How can you begin to cultivate this in “increasing measure”?

  4. What does “dreaming again” look like for you? Are there dreams or callings you feel God is asking you to revive or step into this year? What practical steps can you take to align with His promises and power?

  5. Pray for one another.

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