As we celebrated 19 years together as a church family, there have been transformative experiences over the past few years. Hear from our Senior Pastor, Creighton Arita as he emphasized our 3 As: Abide: abiding in Jesus, activating one's calling, and advancing God's Kingdom.
As we continue to follow the Lord and His direction, we’re believing Hawaiʻi can become a hub for innovative kingdom entrepreneurs and foster unity among Pastors and Marketplace Leaders!
Grab a coffee and enjoy this special video to hear the story of our church as we reflect on the last 17 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
C4 Church is a charter church of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (The Foursquare Church). More than a denomination, the Foursquare Church is a movement committed to reaching the entire world for Christ. C4 Church receives the doctrinal DNA from Foursquare and adheres to its Statement of Faith.
Matthew 18:12-14; 25:35-40; Luke 5:31-32; 2 Corinthians 5:12-18
We are not a self-centered social club for Christians. We are a lifesaving station dedicated to rescuing lost souls. We are willing to do whatever it takes to reconcile people of all ages and backgrounds with God. The price is never too high or the effort is never too much when it comes to bringing a lost soul closer to Jesus. From local community outreaches to global missions, everything we do as a church is connected to a soul.
Since we are Christ-Centered, we believe that every single person is precious to God and to us, regardless of race, faith, gender, age, or status. We embrace and value people for who they are and for who they can become in Christ, not for what they can do for our church. Every person deserves our love and care unconditionally. We love as Christ loves.
Mark 12:30-31; Romans 12:1-2; 1 John 5:2-3; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; Acts 1:8; Deuteronomy 5:29.
In a Christ-Centered church, we understand that loving God is about developing the fear of the Lord. To fear God is not to be scared of Him but rather to honor, to respect, to value, and to stand in awe of Him more than anything or anyone else. To love Him is to fear Him.
This reverent love compels us to know Jesus intimately, to trust Him, and to obey Him. In our church, we embrace a Christ-Centered lifestyle of repentance, obedience, and accountability. We are passionate about God and we will not forsake our first love. Period.
The more we fear God, the more we become like Christ. This transformation only happens when we cultivate a lifestyle where the Holy Spirit is welcomed and entertained. As Christ-Centered people, we stay away from anything that will grieve the Holy Spirit.
John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7-8; Romans 12:10; Colossians 3:12-15; 1 Peter 2:18-21
We value healthy relationships above tasks, relevance, and success. We apply biblical principles in all our relationships in order to cultivate a safe, encouraging, and gracious environment for people to thrive. Christ-centered relationships exemplify the work of God in our hearts. We love people for who they are, not just for what they do.
When facing relational conflict, we speak the truth in love. We are peacemakers, not peacekeepers. In everything we do, we strive to give proper honor and respect to others, from those under our authority to those in authority over us.
In our church, we want to build not just Christ-Centered individuals but also Christ-Centered marriages and families. We believe God can restore all our relationships when we surrender to His Word and follow Christ’s example. We also believe that the best place to grow spiritually is in relational communities or small groups where people are devoted to encouraging each other daily to be Christ-Centered.
1 Peter 4:10; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Ephesians 2:10; 4:11-16; Mark 10:45; 1 Corinthians 12:14-20
As Christ-Centered people we believe that God designed the church to minister most effectively as a team known as “the body of Christ.” Every member of the body is a valuable minister who has been given gifts to be discovered, developed, and deployed. As people are filled with the Holy Spirit, they will be bestowed with gifts to be used not for personal gain, but for the benefit of the entire church.
We are a dream releasing church that intentionally ministers as a team and releases people according to their spiritual gifts, natural talents, and passions. We don’t use people. We respect and value God’s unique calling in each individual. As Christ-Centered people, we are intentional about teamwork and about developing a new generation of servant-leaders. We are a Christ-Centered church with a Kingdom mindset that builds alliances and partnerships with other churches and organizations.
Philippians 4:7-9; 2 Peter 1:2-5; Hebrews 12:1-2; John 13:14; Ephesians 6:7
As Christ-Centered people, we believe that in our service to God we must give our very best out of thanksgiving, neither out of compulsion nor obligation. In our church, we don’t have volunteers. We only have servants. We serve others with a joyful, contagious, and positive attitude. And when we serve, chances are someone may be rude or ungrateful and treat us as a servant. When that happens, we don’t give up and we don’t react negatively. We serve as Christ serves.
Perfectionism is excellence without graciousness. In order to avoid perfectionism, we commit to exhort, debrief, confront, and correct with a gracious spirit at all times. We will provide a safe place to serve and grow. Kindness will be exemplified in all our dealings. Serving with excellence also means that we steward all our resources with high levels of integrity.
John 1:14; 8:31-32; Isaiah 30:15; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:22-25; Psalm 119:9-16; 1 Corinthians 9:22
Jesus declared that the Bible is the truth and He prays that all His followers would learn the truth of God’s Word. Becoming Christ Centered is a commitment to seek the truth, to live according to the truth, and to proclaim the truth. However, the truth without any grace leads to judgment and legalism. Also, grace without the truth leads to confusion and deception. And since Jesus came full of both, truth and grace, we also teach and apply biblical principles with a balance of truth and grace. Since we are Christ-Centered, we proclaim the message of reconciliation with innovative methods that reach the heart and the mind.
We believe that the Holy Scriptures contain the very words of God that will transform our lives. We must become totally submissive and reliant on God alone through a consistent devotion to His Word. As Christ-Centered people, we interact with God’s Word through daily devotions and journaling. We also committed to listen and obey the preached Word by our pastors.