Enter the Matrix

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WEEK 8: “Growth Plan + Empowerment of the Holy Spirit”

With TJ & Dean

Missed Week 8 or want to review it? Check out below!


* Due as soon as you can finish it *

1) 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Complete the final online graduation form to confirm your completion of the Enter the Matrix workshop! NOTE: The Graduation Form is a REQUIREMENT for successful completion of the Enter the Matrix Workshop. Click here to fill out the form...

WEEK 7: “Time / Scope / Resources”

With TJ & Creighton

‼️ SORRY! We did not film this last session, so we are using the recording from the previous ETM cohort covering this topic.


* Due Wed, Mar. 13th *

1) 📕 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 13-14)

WEEK 6: “Spiritual Practices & S.O.A.P.”

With Chad & Dean

Missed Week 6 or want to review it? Let’s gooo!


* Due Wed, Mar. 6th *

1) 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Finish up your Abiding Plan & Constellation Model

2) 📕 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 11-12).

ABIDING PLAN - Resources


1) “Celebration of Discipline” - Richard Foster: explore here

2) “The Spirit of the Disciplines” - Dallas Willard: explore here

3) “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook” - Calhoun: explore here

Bible Study Methods

Lectio Divina: I use an app called Lectio Divina journal (linked here or you can find in the app store). Very simple, step by step walks you through—they also have a physical journal you can purchase annually.  

Reading Plans

1) Life Journal - Daily Plan: explore here

2) Bible Project One Year Reading Plan - explore & download plan (with video links) here

3) You Version Bible app (has many reading plans to choose from) - download here

WEEK 5: “Leadership Boat & Constellation Model”

With TJ & Creighton

Missed Week 5 or want to review it? Let’s gooo!


* Due Wed, Feb. 28th *

1) Week 5 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Finish the first draft of your Constellation Model. Visit https://www3.enewhope.org/spiritualgifts/ and write down your top five gifts.

2) Week 5 📕READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 9-10) 

… and for those who are really serious:

3) BONUS HOMEWORK - ask a trusted friend or family member…

a. “What area do you think is one of my strongest gifts?”

b. “What’s an area in my life that you feel like needs attention (the last 5%)?"

WEEK 4: “Big Picture + 7 Spheres of Society”

With TJ & Dean

‼️ SORRY! The video file from this session was corrupted, so we are using the recording from the previous ETM cohort covering this topic. Unfortunately this recording only has the first part of the message 🤦🏽‍♂️


* Due Wed, Feb. 21st*

1) 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Complete Page 48 of your workbook

2) 📕 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 7-8)

WEEK 3: “Deep Dive into C.O.R.E. Values”

With Beth Barone

Missed Session 3? We got you covered!


* Due Wed, Feb. 14th *

1) 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Prioritize abiding and connecting with the Lord each day 

2) 📕 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 5-6) 

WEEK 2: “Introduction to C.O.R.E. Values”

With Beth Barone, Creighton, & Dean

Missed Week 2 or want to review it? Let’s gooo!


* Due Wed, February 7th *

1) 📝 ACTIVATIONS: Set a time/location to sit and hear from the Lord each day… you can try out prophetic journaling to grow that muscle of hearing from God, if that helps ;). 

2) 📕 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 3-4) 

WEEK 1: “Abiding & Hearing the Voice of God”

With TJ & Dean

Missed Session 1 or want to review it? Buckle up and let’s gooooooo!!!


* Due Wed, Jan. 31st *

1) Week 1 ACTIVATION: Set a time/location to sit and hear from the Lord each day… you can try out prophetic journaling to grow that muscle of hearing from God, if that helps ;). 

2) Week 1 READING: “You May All Prophesy” (Chapter 1-2) This will be due before we meet next week… make sure to stay on track with this powerful prophetic training resource!

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