6-Week Series on the Power of Spiritual Family!
Join us as we explore various aspects of spiritual family life through a biblical lens, seeking wisdom and guidance from God’s Word to navigate the complexities and joys of singleness, marriage, and family, to strengthen and enrich our relationships according to God’s design.
Family Matters:
”The Power of Spiritual Family”
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: April 7th - 8am, 10am, 12pm
We are designed by God for a rich community marked by stirring up love and good works in each other. Pastor Chad kicks off our "Family Matters" series by challenging the cultural norm of isolation and independence and unpacking the biblical call for authentic community.
Spiritual Family:
”Overcoming Obstacles to Small Community”
Many Christians have been hurt by small communities so they hesitate to join Circles and spiritual small groups… even though they know it is critical for their spiritual growth.
Join Dean (C4 Family Ministry Director) and Pastor Chad as they take a deep dive into practical ways you can overcome fear, your busy schedule, and pain from the past to walk into greater healing and spiritual formation.
Marriage Matters: “Singleness, Dating & Sexuality”
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: April 14th - 8am, 10am, 12pm
In this sermon, Dean will address the misconception that elevates marriage over being single, causing hurt and misunderstanding in our communities.
Drawing from 1 Corinthians 7, we’ll explore Paul’s teachings on singleness and marriage, seeking to align our perspectives with God’s design.
1 Corinthians 7:
”God's Timing for Relationships & Sexuality”
Our culture brings confusion and perversion to God’s design and timing for relationships and sexuality.
Join Dean and Pastor Stephen as they take a deep dive into how our relationships heal and can thrive when we not just understand God’s design for relationships, but begin to practice it.
Parents & Youth Workshop - “TEEN DATING”
🗒️ Collide Workshop: April 18th @6pm
Dive deeper into the three foundational starting points you need to help navigate your teen through the dangerous waters of dating, social media, and sexuality. * VIDEO COMING SOON!
”How to Have Conversations About Relationships & Sexuality with Your Teens & Kids”
As parents, we struggle with shame and guilt over our lack of confidence to have difficult conversations with our kids and teens about relationships and sexuality... as well as not knowing where to start!
Dean and Pastor Chad dive deep to share a few practical tips and stepping stones so parents can take action today and grow in confidence to have difficult conversations with their kids and teens that will make a great impact in their lives.
”Is Teen Dating Even a Thing?”
Teen dating in the world is different from teen dating in the kingdom of God... but HOW? Is it possible to do this in a God-honoring and productive way?
Dean and Pastor Brett take a deep dive to put on the table ideas about when and how teen dating could be a healthy thing to do... and for parents/teens to practice having these conversations together!
DTR (Defining The Relationship) Worksheet
We want to date and are filled with powerful emotions, but do we have a plan? Without clear goals, support, and boundaries, teen dating can become more destructive than helpful.
Dean and Pastor Brett share about creating wise, real-world game plans–like with the DTR Worksheet–along with a Support Team, teen dating can be a potential choice for 16-18-year-olds while they’re living at home.
This interactive video is designed for parents to go through with their teens as they reflect and journal on their downloaded DTR Worksheet.
Discipleship Matters Pt. 1: Generational Blessings
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: April 21st - 8am, 10am, 12pm
In this sermon, we’ll dive into the concept of leaving a lasting legacy - not just material possessions, but a spiritual inheritance that impacts future generations. The message emphasizes breaking negative generational cycles and intentionally leaving a legacy that honors God and blesses generations to come.
Legacy Matters:
”Passing Down Generational Blessings… and Breaking Generational Curses”
We want to leave a lasting legacy - not just material possessions, but a spiritual inheritance that impacts future generations.
Dean and Pastor Chad take a deep dive into three practical steps you can take to break generational curses and walk in the blessings of God..
Discipleship Matters Pt. 2: Everyone Belongs at the Table
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: April 28th - 8am, 10am, 12pm
This week we will break the belief of a “Junior Holy Spirit” and the separation between children and adults in the family of God. It emphasizes that everyone, regardless of age or background, is valued and has a place at the table as a beloved son or daughter, brother or sister.
Discipleship Matters:
”Making Space for Everyone at the Table”
We believe God desires to break the belief of a “Junior Holy Spirit” and the separation between children and adults in the family of God. He emphasizes that everyone, regardless of age or background, is valued and has a place at the table as a beloved son or daughter, brother or sister.
Dean and Pastor Brett explore the divide between generations and the crucial need for this gap to be bridged. Join us as we discuss the importance of mutual empowerment and wisdom-sharing, creating a unified space where everyone belongs..
You Matter:Healthy Boundaries in Relationships
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: May 5th - 8am, 10am, 12pm
This week we'll explore the importance of family and our significance to God, we've been examining how to live in a spiritual community as Jesus intends. Despite attending church, engaging in small groups, or serving in ministry, some of us still feel burdened or disconnected, perhaps even losing hope in our faith community.
As we care for our souls and deepen our bond with Christ, we can better nurture our relationships with others and honor God.
Everyone thinks that the secret to good relationships and family is love. And while that is indeed true, there is often an aspect of relationships that most of us miss. In this message, Pastor TJ will explore an often overlooked aspect of relationships that holds the potential to not only strengthen our relationships but actually take them to the next level.
Honor Matters: The Secret To Strengthening Your Relationships
📖 SUNDAY MESSAGE: May 5th - 8am, 10am, 12pm
Honor Matters:
”The Secret to Strengthening Your Relationships”
Everyone thinks that the secret to good relationships and family is love. And while that is indeed true, there is often an aspect of relationships that most of us miss.
Dean and Pastor TJ dive deep and explore an often overlooked aspect of relationships that holds the potential to not only strengthen our relationships but actually take them to the next level.