Looking for ways to support adoption & foster care families?

WATCH the video replay of our recent workshop… and get involved!


“There are approximately 1,500 children and youth in Hawaiʻi’s foster care system and nearly 50% are Native Hawaiian.”

— Project Pilina, Partners in Development Foundation

Do you have a heart for keiki and families who are involved in foster care and adoption, but donʻt know what you can do to help?

Or maybe youʻve been thinking about fostering or adopting but have no idea where to start. And is there a way to do it step-by-step instead of jumping in all at once?

Well, youʻll be relieved to know there are 3 levels of involvement you can engage in… each with varying degrees of commitment, time, and resources. So if youʻve got a heart to serve and support our keiki and families, thereʻs a real, practical way for you to do it!

Connect with Hawaii’s leading specialists in Adoption & Foster Care…

  • Esther McDaniel

    Harvest Family Life Ministries - Kōkua Closet

  • Brad McDaniel

    Care Portal Regional Director

  • Mindy Chung

    Family Programs Hawaiʻi - Wendyʻs Wonderful Kids

  • Gale Kato

    Hale Mālama - Catholic Charities

  • Brandon Kim

    Partners In Development Foundation - Project Pilina

  • Momi Kaʻaihili Leong

    C4 Care Portal Coordinator - Foster Parent

  • Jennifer Gire

    Catholic Charities Hawaii

  • John Neill

    Partners In Development Foundation - Project Pilina

  • Holly Kaneshiro

    Foster + Adoption Parent

"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of the orphans. Fight for the rights of widows."

— Isaiah 1:17