The Growth Matrix
Welcome to
Join the 8-Week Workshop that kicks off our leadership & discipleship development program… to take your impact to the next level!
Wednesday nights @6pm-8pm starting Jan. 24th, 2024
What is the Growth Matrix?
And how does it work?
Check out this presentation to get both a big picture and in-depth look under the hood at how this is going to help move you from where you are today… to where God is taking you next!
▶️ To jump into the details… click to 8:50!
Discover the tools & personalized guidance you need to thrive
Discover practical next steps
See the stepping stones of discipleship growth to help you overcome where you feel stuck
Receive a pathway for holistic growth
Gain a balanced view of successful leadership… including emotional health, spiritual practices, and relationship frameworks
Engage your personalized growth plan
Start walking in the specific areas of spiritual and practical discipleship you need to thrive!

Will you walk in everything God has for your life?
For many of us, we have a sense of how God designed us and what we are called to do… we just don’t have a pathway to get there.
And honestly, is there anything more frustrating than wanting to move forward with the Lord, but not having the equipping, training, and support you need to do it?
This is why we’ve created The Growth Matrix, an initiative to equip you to discover your purpose and walk in your calling.

“I’m so excited about The Growth Matrix because I’ve seen the life-changing impact these discipleship frameworks have had on my own life.
And as I’ve walked with people over the years, these principles of emotional health, communication, and spiritual development have transformed their lives!”
- Renee Takahashi, Community Pastor

The Growth Matrix is a hands-on development program that includes personalized guidance, small community, and in-depth workshops.
The first 8-week workshop everyone does together is…
“Enter the Matrix”
Workshop Overview
“Enter the Matrix,” introduces frameworks, language, and culture that empowers you in key areas of leadership and discipleship, including spiritual disciplines, emotional health, and communication/relationship growth
Abiding, Prophesying & Hearing the Voice of God
CORE Values (Marriage, Family, & Relationships)
Leadership Character & Spiritual Gifts
The Gospel & 7 Spheres of Culture
Prayer, Fasting, and Biblical Studies
Time/Scope/Resources & Organizational Leadership
Empowerment of the Holy Spirit
Workshop Details
✔️ Workshop runs for 8 weeks in a row, from Jan. 24th - March 13th, 2024
✔️ Classes are every Wednesday evening @6pm-8pm
✔️ For seasoned believers 18 yrs+
✔️ $27 workbook + resource fee - due upon registration (credit/debit card only)
✔️ No childcare available; light dinner provided
✔️ Acceptance includes a commitment to consistent involvement in a Circle and 1x/mth volunteer service

Got questions?
This fee covers various costs for the program, including your workbook and the book “You May All Prophesy,” by Steve Thompson.
The registration fee is due when you register (using your credit or debit card).
Yes, there will be some “homework” to do each week based on the content of the workshop class for that week. The homework is critical as it will challenge you to take what you’ve learned and apply it immediately to your life.
You will also read a chapter of the book each week as well 😉
You’re still a part of The Growth Matrix… in fact, in many ways, it’s just begun!
During the 8-week workshop, you will have an opportunity to work at your table to design a personalized plan for your next steps in growth in God. Taking action steps from this plan will be critical for your growth.
Then, beginning in Q2 of 2024, you will have exclusive access to a handful of Growth Matrix workshops that will equip you in your specific areas of needed growth.
Questions? Email Josh Ching at: growthmatrix@c4.church