a journey toward healing and freedom


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Understanding how you feel and what you chose to believe when something happens to you in your life is important on your journey to discover freedom with Christ. Below is a guide toward creating a boulder statement:

WHEN ________________ HAPPENED,

I FELT _____________________

I BELIEVED ______________________

Download your worksheet

Every goal starts with a plan and we believe that in order to see freedom in our life, we all need a plan for that.


If you have a desire to sow into the freedom that others can experience for themselves, jump in! We’d love to have you help. Use the button below to let us know.

Have you ever had thoughts that went something like this? “If only I could figure out how to be free from this…” or “I wish I didn’t have to struggle with this area of my life…it feels like I’ve been emotionally plagued.”

Life can be tough. Maybe you’ve felt like you’ve been dealt a bad hand or thought that deciding to follow Jesus would fix all the bad things in your life.

The truth is that although our spot in heaven is secure in our salvation in Jesus, our life experiences have had a role in shaping who we are today.

Luckily, Jesus doesn’t want us to stay this way and we believe that your family at C4 can help.

In this 8-week workshop called Restoration Life, you will be guided through a process of freedom and healing in areas that God has purposed for you since the day you were born.


By the end of this workshop, you will have an understanding of:

1. How to recognize the unhealthy patterns in your life

2. Give you practical tools of what to do when you discover these unhealthy patterns

3. Create a plan (with God) to become free

We deeply desire you to be free and pray that you’ll consider a way that can help you to do just that.

Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.