Let’s study the Bible together!

Learn how to use the S.O.A.P. method for Family Devotional Time in CAMPFIRE

How does it work?

In CAMPFIRE FOR FAMILIES, you will receive a weekly email explaining which Bible book and chapter we all will be reading together for that week. Then your family can S.O.A.P. together ;)

To learn how… DOWNLOAD the worksheets below, then WATCH this short video as Dean walks you through how the S.O.A.P. method works step by step.

How do we do Family Devotions with little keiki who don’t read or write yet?

Check out some of Dean’s ideas in this short video!


For our 8-Week CAMPFIRE experience (May 7th - June 30th), you will receive an email once a week that will let you know the Book and Chapter from the Bible we will all be reading together in our Family Devotion ;)

However, if you would like to integrate this into your personal daily routine, take a look at a few options for a BIBLE READING PLAN…