Join us Monday, Oct. 10th, 2022 @7pm at C4 Church!

Are Christianity and Science enemies... or friends?

Join us MONDAY NIGHT, October 10th @7:00pm at C4 Church, for a dynamic presentation with astrophysicist and apologist Jeff Zweerink!

According to the popular narrative, science is on a relentless quest to truly understand the universe and that quest will inevitably make all religions (including Christianity) obsolete.

This talk will debunk that narrative by showing how major scientific findings over the past 100 years provide a wealth of evidence supporting the truth of Christianity. Additionally, a little historical investigation shows that the Judeo-Christian worldview provided the necessary philosophical foundation for the scientific enterprise to develop.

* Q&A will be encouraged following Jeff's main presentation... so come with your questions!

* All who attend in-person are eligible for a FREE book from Jeff!

Is the earth young or old?

Check out Jeff’s answer and see how he tackles difficult questions like this.

And get a deeper look into his understanding of how his Christian faith and commitment to science impact and relate with one another.

Jeff Zweerink, PhD.

Jeff is a research scholar at Reasons to Believe. He earned a PhD in astrophysics from Iowa State University. His writing and speaking encourage people to consider the connection between Scripture’s truth and scientific evidence.

Jeff has gained open respect and recognition from atheists for his willingness to fairly and fearlessly take on the “What if . . . ?” questions. He addresses challenges such as, what if ours is not the only universe? Would that discovery demolish the “fine-tuning” argument? And, what if we discover life “out there”? How will that impact the Christian narrative of redemption?